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AlI 411A

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411A /
Last active February 8, 2023 10:23
Fix WSL2 & Windows 11 Time Syncing Issue. This bash app will sync the time of WSL & Windows after computer goes to sleep using two approaches: hwclock & wsl --shutdown
# -------------------- A temporary-manual-notgreat fix for the time syncing problem between Windows & WSL --------------------
# -------------------- Please read the code & commented sections before execution --------------------
# Not removing the trailing \r from the PowerShell, results in NotSynced even if time is Synced
WinTime=$(powershell.exe "& {get-date -UFormat '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'}" | tr -d '\r')
WSLTime=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

Creates the related GitHub's SSH configuration on drive C.

  1. Create a new directory to store your credentials inside the C drive (/), then create a hidden .ssh directory inside it:
# Create directories
mkdir "/MyGitHub"
cd "/MyGitHub"
mkdir ".ssh"
# Create a new config file
New-Item "/MyGitHub\.ssh\config" -ItemType "file"
411A / RemoveComputerFromRDPList.ps1
Created January 5, 2025 15:53
PowerShell to remove the given computer name from the list of computers in Windows' Remote Desktop Manager (RDP)
#! ChatGPT-Generated
# Check if the first argument is provided
if ($args.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Usage: ./RemovePCFromRDP.ps1 <ComputerName>" -ForegroundColor Red
# Get the computer name from the first argument
$ComputerNameToDelete = $args[0]