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Created December 11, 2012 13:34
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Flag similarity network
# Drawing a scatter plot of raster images
doInstall <- TRUE # Change to FALSE if you don't want packages installed.
toInstall <- c("png", "sna")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
# Go to, download the ZIP,
# and put the 64 x 64 files into a directory of your choosing.
# Then setwd() to that directory:
pngFiles <- list.files() # Get the file names
pngList <- list()
for(ii in pngFiles){
tempName <- gsub(".png", "", ii)
tempPNG <- readPNG(ii) # Loads PNGs
pngList[[tempName]] <- tempPNG # And assigns them to a list.
# Very simple dimension reduction -- just the mean R, G, and B values
meanRGB <- t(sapply(pngList, function(ll){
apply(ll[, , -4], 3, mean)
# The dimensions of each item are equal to the pixel dimensions of the .PNG
flagDimensions <- t(sapply(pngList, function(ll){
# Similarity, through Kruskal non-metric MDS
flagDistance <- dist(meanRGB)
flagDistance[flagDistance <= 0] <- 1e-10
# Iterate through tie thresholds until we have a fully connected graph
# just for the purposes of this example
distanceList <- seq(1/100, max(flagDistance), len = 100)
for(dd in distanceList){
flagNetwork <- (as.matrix(flagDistance) < dd) * 1
howConnected <- connectedness(flagNetwork)
if(howConnected >= 1){break()}
# Make a similarity network
flagNetwork <- (as.matrix(flagDistance) < dd) * 1
eigenvectorCentrality <- evcent(flagNetwork)
names(eigenvectorCentrality) <- rownames(flagNetwork)
# Plot #
# Here, gplot is drawing a new random layout every time. By assigning it
# to graphCoordinates, we save the vertex locations for later use
graphCoordinates <- gplot(dat = flagNetwork, # Adjacency matrix
mode = "kamadakawai", # Layout algorithm
vertex.col = rgb(meanRGB), # Average flag color
pad = 0, # To reduce margins around graph
arrowhead.cex = 0, # Hide arrowheads
vertex.sides = 4, # Make vertices square
vertex.rot = 45)
# Namely, to plot the flag raster images over the graph vertices
boxParameter <- 400 # To alter dimensions of raster image bounding box
png("C:/Dropbox/isDotR_Files/netTest.png", h = 1600, w = 1600, type = "cairo-png")
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) # First plot the graph edges:
gplot(dat = flagNetwork, # Adjacency matrix
coord = graphCoordinates, # From above
arrowhead.cex = 0, # Hide arrowheads
vertex.cex = 0, # Make vertices invisible
edge.col = "#99999966") # Make edges gray and translucent
for(ii in 1:length(pngList)){ # Go through each flag
Coords <- graphCoordinates[ii, 1:2] # Get coordinates from graph object
Dims <- flagDimensions[ii, ] # Get pixel dimensions
rasterImage(pngList[[ii]], # Plot each flag with these boundaries:
Coords[1]-Dims[2]/boxParameter, Coords[2]-Dims[1]/boxParameter,
Coords[1]+Dims[2]/boxParameter, Coords[2]+Dims[1]/boxParameter)
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Thanks for the awesome commenting in this one. Very easy to follow.

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