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Created January 8, 2013 17:32
Bookmarklet to reload CSS without reloading the entire page
$('link[rel="stylesheet"]').each(function(i, elem) {
// Make an anchor tag with the stylesheet's href -- this is a weird/handy way of
// working with URLs in the browser.
var anchorTag = $('a').attr('href', elem.getAttribute('href'))[0];
// Rewrite the URL to have a cache busting parameter. This assumes
// that any query params weren't significant. = "ts=" + (+new Date);
// Update the stylesheet link
elem.href = anchorTag.href;
// Bookmarklet version (made using
javascript:(function(){$('link[rel="stylesheet"]').each(function(i,elem){var anchorTag=$('a').attr('href',elem.getAttribute('href'))[0];"ts="+(+new Date);elem.href=anchorTag.href;})})()
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Jonic commented Jan 8, 2013

I've used this one for a while - it doesn't need any JavaScript libraries, so it might come in handy some time :)

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