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Created August 5, 2013 05:45
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Export diff files from git repository.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#= Export diff files between revs.
# export only commited files.
#== setup
# set this script to cunstom action.
# then, set "$SHA" in parameters.
#== usage
# select one or more revisions and execute custom action.
# then, create archive in parent dir of PROJECT_ROOT.
# this archive contains files commited in selected revisions.
root = Dir::pwd # get repository fill path without $REPO.
dir = File.basename(root)
unless File.exists?(File.join(root, ".git"))
puts "Not a git repository. Bye!"
exit 1
to = ARGV.first # get last selected rev. newer commit
from = ARGV.last # get last selected rev. older commit
unless /[a-z0-9]{4,40}/ === to
puts "Give me valid SHA hash!"
exit 1
format = "zip"
output = "#{root}/../#{dir}-#{to[0,7]}.#{format}"
# set previous rev. to "from" if not selected multiple revision
from = to + "^" if from === to
puts "root : " + "#{root}"
puts "dir : " + "#{dir}"
puts "from : " + "#{from}"
puts "to : " + "#{to}"
puts "format : " + "#{format}"
puts "output : " + "#{output}"
diff_cmd = "git diff --stat --diff-filter=ACRM --name-only #{from}..#{to}"
diff_files = %x[#{diff_cmd}]
puts "¥n"
puts "---- export candidate files ----"
puts diff_files
puts "--------------------------------"
puts "¥n"
if diff_files.empty?
puts "> There are no export files. Bye!"
exit 0
cmd = "git archive --format=#{format} --prefix=#{dir}-#{to[0,7]}/ #{to} `#{diff_cmd}` -o #{output}"
puts "cmd : " + cmd
puts %x[#{cmd}]
exit 0
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