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Created January 15, 2013 06:22
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Save rochacbruno/4536630 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Chartit
import copy
from django.db.models.aggregates import Aggregate
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.db.models.manager import Manager
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from .exceptions import APIInputError
def _validate_field_lookup_term(model, term):
"""Checks whether the term is a valid field_lookup for the model.
- **model** (**required**) - a django model for which to check whether
the term is a valid field_lookup.
- **term** (**required**) - the term to check whether it is a valid
field lookup for the model supplied.
- The verbose name of the field if the supplied term is a valid field.
- APIInputError: If the term supplied is not a valid field lookup
parameter for the model.
# TODO: Memoization for speed enchancements?
terms = term.split('__')
# model_fields = model._meta.get_all_field_names()
# if terms[0] not in model_fields:
# raise APIInputError("Field %r does not exist. Valid lookups are %s."
# % (terms[0], ', '.join(model_fields)))
# if len(terms) == 1:
# return model._meta.get_field(terms[0]).verbose_name
model_fields = model._meta.get_all_field_names()
model_fields = []
if terms[0] not in model_fields:
if len(terms) == 1:
return model._meta.get_field(terms[0]).verbose_name
return str(terms[0])
# DocString details for model._meta.get_field_by_name
# Returns a tuple (field_object, model, direct, m2m), where
# field_object is the Field instance for the given name,
# model is the model containing this field (None for
# local fields),
# direct is True if the field exists on this model,
# and m2m is True for many-to-many relations.
# When 'direct' is False, 'field_object' is the corresponding
# RelatedObject for this field (since the field doesn't have
# an instance associated with it).
field_details = model._meta.get_field_by_name(terms[0])
# if the field is direct field
if field_details[2]:
m = field_details[0].related.parent_model
m = field_details[0].model
m = field_details[0]
return _validate_field_lookup_term(m, '__'.join(terms[1:]))
def _clean_source(source):
if isinstance(source, ModelBase):
return source._base_manager.all()
elif isinstance(source, Manager):
return source.all()
elif isinstance(source, QuerySet):
return source
raise APIInputError("'source' must either be a QuerySet, Model or "
"Manager. Got %s of type %s instead."
%(source, type(source)))
def _validate_func(func):
if not isinstance(func, Aggregate):
raise APIInputError("'func' must an instance of django Aggregate. "
"Got %s of type %s instead" % (func, type(func)))
def _clean_categories(categories, source):
if isinstance(categories, basestring):
categories = [categories]
elif isinstance(categories, (tuple, list)):
if not categories:
raise APIInputError("'categories' tuple or list must contain at "
"least one valid model field. Got %s."
raise APIInputError("'categories' must be one of the following "
"types: basestring, tuple or list. Got %s of "
"type %s instead."
%(categories, type(categories)))
field_aliases = {}
for c in categories:
field_aliases[c] = _validate_field_lookup_term(source.model, c)
return categories, field_aliases
def _clean_legend_by(legend_by, source):
if isinstance(legend_by, basestring):
legend_by = [legend_by]
elif isinstance(legend_by, (tuple, list)):
elif legend_by is None:
legend_by = ()
raise APIInputError("'legend_by' must be one of the following "
"types: basestring, tuple or list. Got %s of "
"type %s instead."
%(legend_by, type(legend_by)))
field_aliases = {}
for lg in legend_by:
field_aliases[lg] = _validate_field_lookup_term(source.model, lg)
return legend_by, field_aliases
def _validate_top_n_per_cat(top_n_per_cat):
if not isinstance(top_n_per_cat, int):
raise APIInputError("'top_n_per_cat' must be an int. Got %s of type "
"%s instead."
%(top_n_per_cat, type(top_n_per_cat)))
def _clean_field_aliases(fa_actual, fa_cat, fa_lgby):
fa = copy.copy(fa_lgby)
return fa
def _convert_pdps_to_dict(series_list):
series_dict = {}
for sd in series_list:
options = sd['options']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %sd)
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options)
terms = sd['terms']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing have the 'terms' key." %sd)
if isinstance(terms, dict):
if not terms:
raise APIInputError("'terms' cannot be empty.")
for tk, tv in terms.items():
if isinstance(tv, Aggregate):
tv = {'func': tv}
elif isinstance(tv, dict):
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or django Aggregate "
"in place of: %s" %tv)
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
series_dict.update({tk: opts})
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s"
return series_dict
def clean_pdps(series):
"""Clean the PivotDataPool series input from the user.
if isinstance(series, list):
series = _convert_pdps_to_dict(series)
elif isinstance(series, dict):
if not series:
raise APIInputError("'series' cannot be empty.")
for td in series.values():
# td is not a dict
if not isinstance(td, dict):
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %td)
# source
td['source'] = _clean_source(td['source'])
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("Missing 'source': %s" % td)
# func
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("Missing 'func': %s" % td)
# categories
td['categories'], fa_cat = _clean_categories(td['categories'],
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("Missing 'categories': %s" % td)
# legend_by
td['legend_by'], fa_lgby = _clean_legend_by(td['legend_by'],
except KeyError:
td['legend_by'], fa_lgby = (), {}
# top_n_per_cat
except KeyError:
td['top_n_per_cat'] = 0
# field_aliases
fa_actual = td['field_aliases']
except KeyError:
td['field_aliases'] = fa_actual = {}
td['field_aliases'] = _clean_field_aliases(fa_actual,
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or list in place of: %s" %series)
return series
def _convert_dps_to_dict(series_list):
series_list = copy.deepcopy(series_list)
series_dict = {}
if not series_list:
raise APIInputError("'series' cannot be empty.")
for sd in series_list:
options = sd['options']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %sd)
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options)
terms = sd['terms']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'terms' key." %sd)
if isinstance(terms, list):
for term in terms:
if isinstance(term, basestring):
series_dict[term] = copy.deepcopy(options)
elif isinstance(term, dict):
for tk, tv in term.items():
if isinstance(tv, basestring):
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
opts['field'] = tv
series_dict[tk] = opts
elif isinstance(tv, dict):
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
series_dict[tk] = opts
raise APIInputError("Expecting a basestring or "
"dict in place of: %s" %tv)
elif isinstance(terms, dict):
for tk, tv in terms.items():
if isinstance(tv, basestring):
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
opts['field'] = tv
series_dict[tk] = opts
elif isinstance(tv, dict):
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
series_dict[tk] = opts
raise APIInputError("Expecting a basestring or dict in "
"place of: %s" %tv)
raise APIInputError("Expecting a list or dict in place of: %s."
return series_dict
def clean_dps(series):
"""Clean the DataPool series input from the user.
if isinstance(series, dict):
if not series:
raise APIInputError("'series' cannot be empty.")
for tk, td in series.items():
td['source'] = _clean_source(td['source'])
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'source' key." %td)
td.setdefault('field', tk)
fa = _validate_field_lookup_term(td['source'].model, td['field'])\
# If the user supplied term is not a field name, use it as an alias
if tk != td['field']:
fa = tk
td.setdefault('field_alias', fa)
elif isinstance(series, list):
series = _convert_dps_to_dict(series)
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or list in place of: %s" %series)
return series
def _convert_pcso_to_dict(series_options):
series_options_dict = {}
for stod in series_options:
options = stod['options']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %stod)
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options)
terms = stod['terms']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'terms' key." %stod)
if isinstance(terms, list):
for term in terms:
if isinstance(term, basestring):
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
series_options_dict.update({term: opts})
elif isinstance(term, dict):
for tk, tv in term.items():
if not isinstance(tv, dict):
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place "
"of: %s" %tv)
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
series_options_dict.update({tk: opts})
raise APIInputError("Expecting a list in place of: %s" %terms)
return series_options_dict
def clean_pcso(series_options, ds):
"""Clean the PivotChart series_options input from the user.
#todlist = term option dict list
if isinstance(series_options, dict):
for sok, sod in series_options.items():
if sok not in ds.series.keys():
raise APIInputError("All the series terms must be present "
"in the series dict of the "
"datasource. Got %s. Allowed values "
"are: %s"
%(sok, ', '.join(ds.series.keys())))
if not isinstance(sod, dict):
raise APIInputError("All the series options must be of the "
"type dict. Got %s of type %s instead."
%(sod, type(sod)))
elif isinstance(series_options, list):
series_options = _convert_pcso_to_dict(series_options)
clean_pcso(series_options, ds)
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict or list in place of: %s."
return series_options
def _convert_cso_to_dict(series_options):
series_options_dict = {}
#stod: series term and option dict
for stod in series_options:
options = stod['options']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'options' key." %stod)
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s" %options)
terms = stod['terms']
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("%s is missing the 'terms' key." %stod)
if isinstance(terms, dict):
if not terms:
raise APIInputError("'terms' dict cannot be empty.")
for tk, td in terms.items():
if isinstance(td, list):
for yterm in td:
if isinstance(yterm, basestring):
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
opts['_x_axis_term'] = tk
series_options_dict[yterm] = opts
elif isinstance(yterm, dict):
opts = copy.deepcopy(options)
opts['_x_axis_term'] = tk
series_options_dict[yterm.keys()[0]] = opts
raise APIInputError("Expecting a basestring or "
"dict in place of: %s." %yterm)
raise APIInputError("Expecting a list instead of: %s"
raise APIInputError("Expecting a dict in place of: %s."
return series_options_dict
def clean_cso(series_options, ds):
"""Clean the Chart series_options input from the user.
if isinstance(series_options, dict):
for sok, sod in series_options.items():
if sok not in ds.series.keys():
raise APIInputError("%s is not one of the keys of the "
"datasource series. Allowed values "
"are: %s"
%(sok, ', '.join(ds.series.keys())))
if not isinstance(sod, dict):
raise APIInputError("%s is of type: %s. Expecting a dict."
%(sod, type(sod)))
_x_axis_term = sod['_x_axis_term']
if _x_axis_term not in ds.series.keys():
raise APIInputError("%s is not one of the keys of the "
"datasource series. Allowed values "
"are: %s"
', '.join(ds.series.keys())))
except KeyError:
raise APIInputError("Expecting a '_x_axis_term' for %s." %sod)
if ds.series[sok]['_data'] != ds.series[_x_axis_term]['_data']:
raise APIInputError("%s and %s do not belong to the same "
"table." %(sok, _x_axis_term))
sod['_data'] = ds.series[sok]['_data']
elif isinstance(series_options, list):
series_options = _convert_cso_to_dict(series_options)
clean_cso(series_options, ds)
raise APIInputError("'series_options' must either be a dict or a "
"list. Got %s of type %s instead."
%(series_options, type(series_options)))
return series_options
def clean_sortf_mapf_mts(sortf_mapf_mts):
if sortf_mapf_mts is None:
sortf_mapf_mts = (None, None, False)
if isinstance(sortf_mapf_mts, tuple):
if len(sortf_mapf_mts) != 3:
raise APIInputError("%r must have exactly three elements."
sortf, mapf, mts = sortf_mapf_mts
if not callable(sortf) and sortf is not None:
raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %sortf)
if not callable(mapf) and mapf is not None:
raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %mapf)
mts = bool(mts)
return (sortf, mapf, mts)
def clean_x_sortf_mapf_mts(x_sortf_mapf_mts):
cleaned_x_s_m_mts = []
if x_sortf_mapf_mts is None:
x_sortf_mapf_mts = [(None, None, False)]
if isinstance(x_sortf_mapf_mts, tuple):
x_sortf_mapf_mts = [x_sortf_mapf_mts]
for x_s_m_mts in x_sortf_mapf_mts:
if not isinstance(x_s_m_mts, tuple):
raise APIInputError("%r must be a tuple." %x_s_m_mts)
if len(x_s_m_mts) != 3:
raise APIInputError("%r must have exactly three elements."
x_sortf = x_s_m_mts[0]
if not callable(x_sortf) and x_sortf is not None:
raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %x_sortf)
x_mapf = x_s_m_mts[1]
if not callable(x_mapf) and x_mapf is not None:
raise APIInputError("%r must be callable or None." %x_mapf)
x_mts = bool(x_s_m_mts[2])
cleaned_x_s_m_mts.append((x_sortf, x_mapf, x_mts))
return cleaned_x_s_m_mts
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