tap = ' tap tap = " hold = """
:root { | |
--almost-white: #fdf6e3; | |
--almost-black: #586e75; | |
--link-fg: #2aa198; | |
--fg: #586e75; | |
--status-info-bg: #eee8d5; | |
--status-focus-info-bg: #eee8d5; | |
--single-border: 0.2rem solid #cb4b16; | |
--boxshadow-border: none; | |
--double-border: none; |
import ipaddress | |
import json | |
import os | |
import subprocess | |
from enum import Enum | |
import uvicorn | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
from fastapi import ( | |
BackgroundTasks, |
{ | |
"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile", | |
"editor.fontSize": 14, | |
"editor.lineHeight": 1.8, | |
"javascript.suggest.autoImports": true, | |
"javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always", | |
"editor.rulers": [80, 120], | |
"extensions.ignoreRecommendations": true, | |
"typescript.tsserver.log": "off", | |
"files.associations": { |
### requires the script lf-pick on path | |
### Requires lf installed https://github.com/gokcehan/lf | |
### lf has the keybindings: <space> select file, lowercase `l` accept selection | |
### or use arrow right to open the file | |
### This allows selecting multiple files with space and then hit `l` to open | |
# touch ~/.local/bin/lf-pick | |
# chmod +x ~/.local/bin/lf-pick | |
# function lfp(){ | |
# local TEMP=$(mktemp) | |
# lf -selection-path=$TEMP |
""" | |
Dumps each collection and repository scores to a local scores/ folder | |
""" | |
import json | |
import sys | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from statistics import mean | |
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union |
[[language]] | |
name = "rust" | |
auto-format = false | |
[language-server.rust-analyzer] | |
command = "rust-analyzer" | |
[language-server.rust-analyzer.config] | |
inlayHints.bindingModeHints.enable = false | |
inlayHints.closingBraceHints.minLines = 10 |
theme = "manutheme2" #catppuccin-frappe, but with edited statusbar bg color | |
[editor] | |
#line-number = "relative" | |
#cursorline = true |