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Last active December 12, 2015 00:48
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Help method used in OpenMole software ( to compare native primitive and Scala primitive
* Copyright (C) 2011 Romain Reuillon
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import _root_.groovy.lang.GroovyShell
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import java.lang.reflect.{ Type ⇒ JType, Array ⇒ _, _ }
import scala.reflect.Manifest.{ classType, intersectionType, arrayType, wildcardType }
import scala.reflect.ClassManifest
import org.openmole.misc.exception.UserBadDataError
object ClassUtils {
implicit class ClassDecorator[T](c: Class[T]) {
def equivalence = classEquivalence(c).asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
def listSuperClasses = {
new Iterator[Class[_]] {
var cur: Class[_] = c
override def hasNext = cur != null
override def next: Class[_] = {
val ret = cur
cur = cur.getSuperclass
def listSuperClassesAndInterfaces = {
val toExplore = new ListBuffer[Class[_]]
toExplore += c
val ret = new ListBuffer[Class[_]]
while (!toExplore.isEmpty) {
val current = toExplore.remove(0)
ret += current
val superClass = current.getSuperclass
if (superClass != null) toExplore += superClass
for (inter ← current.getInterfaces) toExplore += inter
def listImplementedInterfaces = {
val toExplore = new ListBuffer[Class[_]]
toExplore += c
val ret = new ListBuffer[Class[_]]
while (!toExplore.isEmpty) {
val current = toExplore.remove(0)
val superClass = current.getSuperclass
if (superClass != null) toExplore += superClass
for (inter ← current.getInterfaces) {
toExplore += inter
ret += inter
def fromArray = c.getComponentType
def toManifest = classType[T](c)
@tailrec def unArrayify(m1: Class[_], m2: Class[_], level: Int = 0): (Class[_], Class[_], Int) = {
if (!m1.isArray || !m2.isArray) (m1, m2, level)
else unArrayify(m1.getComponentType, m2.getComponentType, level + 1)
def unArrayify(c: Iterable[Class[_]]): (Iterable[Class[_]], Int) = {
@tailrec def rec(c: Iterable[Class[_]], level: Int = 0): (Iterable[Class[_]], Int) = {
if (c.isEmpty || c.exists(!_.isArray)) (c, level)
else rec( { _.getComponentType }, level + 1)
def intersectionArray(t: Iterable[Class[_]]) =
unArrayify(t) match {
case (cls, level) ⇒
val c = intersection(cls)
def arrayManifest(m: Manifest[_], l: Int): Manifest[_] = if (l == 0) m else arrayManifest(m.arrayManifest, l - 1)
arrayManifest(c, level)
def intersection(t: Iterable[Class[_]]) = {
def intersectionClass(t1: Class[_], t2: Class[_]) = {
val classes = (t1.listSuperClasses.toSet & t2.listSuperClasses.toSet)
if (classes.isEmpty) classOf[Any]
else classes.head
val c = t.reduceLeft((t1, t2) ⇒ intersectionClass(t1, t2))
val interfaces =, t2) ⇒ t1 & t2)
intersect((List(c) ++ interfaces))
def intersect(tps: Iterable[JType]): Manifest[_] = intersectionType(tps.toSeq map manifest: _*)
def manifest(s: String): Manifest[_] = manifest(toClass(s))
def manifest[T](cls: Class[T]): Manifest[T] = classType(cls)
def manifest(tp: JType): Manifest[_] = tp match {
case x: Class[_] ⇒ classType(x)
case x: ParameterizedType ⇒
val owner = x.getOwnerType
val raw = x.getRawType() match { case clazz: Class[_] ⇒ clazz }
val targs = x.getActualTypeArguments() map manifest
(owner == null, targs.isEmpty) match {
case (true, true) ⇒ manifest(raw)
case (true, false) ⇒ classType(raw, targs.head, targs.tail: _*)
case (false, _) ⇒ classType(manifest(owner), raw, targs: _*)
case x: GenericArrayType ⇒ arrayType(manifest(x.getGenericComponentType))
case x: WildcardType ⇒ wildcardType(intersect(x.getLowerBounds), intersect(x.getUpperBounds))
case x: TypeVariable[_] ⇒ intersect(x.getBounds())
def classEquivalence(c: Class[_]) =
if (c == classOf[Byte] || c == classOf[java.lang.Byte]) java.lang.Byte.TYPE
else if (c == classOf[Short] || c == classOf[java.lang.Short]) java.lang.Short.TYPE
else if (c == classOf[Int] || c == classOf[java.lang.Integer]) java.lang.Integer.TYPE
else if (c == classOf[Long] || c == classOf[java.lang.Long]) java.lang.Long.TYPE
else if (c == classOf[Float] || c == classOf[java.lang.Float]) java.lang.Float.TYPE
else if (c == classOf[Double] || c == classOf[java.lang.Double]) java.lang.Double.TYPE
else if (c == classOf[Char] || c == classOf[java.lang.Character]) java.lang.Character.TYPE
else if (c == classOf[Boolean] || c == classOf[java.lang.Boolean]) java.lang.Boolean.TYPE
else c
def toClass(s: String) = classEquivalence(
s match {
case "Byte" ⇒ classOf[Byte]
case "Short" ⇒ classOf[Short]
case "Int" ⇒ classOf[Int]
case "int" ⇒ classOf[Int]
case "Long" ⇒ classOf[Long]
case "long" ⇒ classOf[Long]
case "Float" ⇒ classOf[Float]
case "Double" ⇒ classOf[Double]
case "double" ⇒ classOf[Double]
case "Char" ⇒ classOf[Char]
case "Boolean" ⇒ classOf[Boolean]
case "String" ⇒ classOf[String]
case "File" ⇒ classOf[]
case "BigInteger" ⇒ classOf[java.math.BigInteger]
case "BigDecimal" ⇒ classOf[java.math.BigDecimal]
case _ ⇒ try {
} catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException ⇒ throw new UserBadDataError(e, "The class " + s + " has not been found")
def clazzOf(v: Any) = {
v match {
case null ⇒ classOf[Null]
case r: AnyRef ⇒ r.getClass
implicit def manifestDecoration(m: Manifest[_]) = new {
def isArray = m.runtimeClass.isArray
def fromArray = m.runtimeClass.fromArray
implicit def manifestToClass[T](m: Manifest[T]) = m.runtimeClass
def assignable(from: Class[_], to: Class[_]) =
unArrayify(from, to) match {
case (c1, c2, _) ⇒ isAssignableFromPrimitive(c1, c2)
def isAssignableFromPrimitive(from: Class[_], to: Class[_]) = {
val fromEq = classEquivalence(from)
val toEq = classEquivalence(to)
if (fromEq.isPrimitive || toEq.isPrimitive) fromEq == toEq
else to.isAssignableFrom(from)
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