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# -- Snip --
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout[all]"
Option "AllowNVIDIAGPUScreens"
# Reference the Screen sections for each driver. This will
# cause the X server to try each in turn.
Screen "Screen-modesetting[0]"
Screen "Screen-amdgpu[0]"
May 11 01:16:03 nixos systemd[1]: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service: Deactivated successfully.
May 11 01:16:03 nixos wpa_supplicant[1773]: wlp4s0: WPS-CANCEL
May 11 01:16:03 nixos NetworkManager[1606]: <warn> [1683760563.4594] device (wlp4s0): no secrets: No agents were available for this request.
May 11 01:16:02 nixos systemd[1991]: Startup finished in 558ms.
May 11 01:16:02 nixos systemd[1991]: Reached target Main User Target.
May 11 01:16:02 nixos systemd[1991]: Finished Run user-specific NixOS activation.
May 11 01:16:02 nixos nixos-activation-start[2006]: kbuildsycoca5 running...
May 11 01:16:02 nixos login[1755]: gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon started properly and unlocked keyring
May 11 01:16:02 nixos systemd[1991]: Finished Run KDE Plasma via systemd.
May 11 01:16:02 nixos nixos-activation-start[2005]: removed '/home/user/.cache/ksycoca5_en_8SKNZR_Bpa8R+lVCUTHAi36ZvEs='
4JX / toml.log
Created September 2, 2022 00:39
INFO registered request handler method="initialize"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/foldingRange"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/documentSymbol"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/formatting"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/completion"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/hover"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/documentLink"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/semanticTokens/full"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/prepareRename"
INFO registered request handler method="textDocument/rename"

This mostly mimicks it, but it lacks a few extensions. Left is Chrome, right is a set-up reqwest_boring::blocking::Client.

(Grease values have been copied for simplification, their value differences don't really matter beyond being there)


Of note is that this is the JA3 fingerprint its being tested against. A more complete test would be TS1.

fn create_builder() -> SslConnectorBuilder {
use eframe::{
egui::{self, Color32, Vec2},
struct UiApp {}
impl epi::App for UiApp {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
use ferinth::Ferinth;
use lazy_regex::{regex, regex_is_match};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::time::Instant;
const LOOP_NUM: i32 = 100000;
async fn main() {
//This is just to avoid the compiler from optimizing the code