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Created September 15, 2017 19:27
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Найс хэш майнер

Найс хэш майнер - NiceHash Miner - новый майнер с автоматическим переключением

Download and start selling instantly. No special set-up or registration required. Simple looking but powerful Windows application, which can be used right away. No special configuration needed. You always get paid in Bitcoins by Pay-per-Share approach , from once a day to once a week- depending on your earnings. Buyers of your computing power do not have any direct access to your equipment. Only the results of complex mathematical calculations hash are forwarded to them. You can use Bitcoins for buying different things e. You can also exchange it for any other currency USD, EUR or your favorite altcoins. API Software NiceHash Miner Zcash mining with GPUs Zcash cloud mining. Thank you for downloading our miner. Note that in the past, other miners were used as a malware, which is why some AntiVirus softwares or browsers e. We guarantee you that NiceHash Miner is safe and does not consist of any malware. If your browser does not support download, please try with another or follow these instrucions to temporarily allow download. How much can you earn? Why it is better to sell hashing power with NiceHash? Things you might want to know about selling hashing power and mining What is happening on my computer when I sell hashing power? What is hashing power and why would anyone buy it? Will buyers of my hashing power have an access to my equipment? How can I use earned Bitcoins? How are transactions handled? Get ready to start the faster you sell, the faster you earn. NiceHash was mentioned on.

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