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Forked from snoyberg/Main.hs
Last active July 11, 2017 16:38
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Comparing iterators, streams, and loops in Haskell, Rust, and C
#include <stdint.h>
int64_t c_loop(int64_t high) {
int64_t total = 0;
int64_t i;
for (i = 1; i <= high; ++i) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
total += i * 2;
return total;
int64_t c_bits(int64_t high) {
int64_t total = 0;
int64_t i;
for (i = 1; i <= high; ++i) {
total += ((i % 2) - 1) & (i + i);
return total;
int64_t c_cheating(int64_t high) {
int64_t total = 0;
int64_t i;
high *= 2;
for (i = 4; i <= high; i += 4) {
total += i;
return total;
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main (main) where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Criterion.Main
import Control.Lens
import Data.List as L
import Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Vector as VB
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM
import Control.Monad.Primitive (RealWorld)
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.IORef
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Types
foreign import ccall "rust_iters"
rust_iters :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "rust_loop"
rust_loop :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "rust_cheating"
rust_cheating :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "rust_stream"
rust_stream :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "rust_stream_immut"
rust_stream_immut :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "rust_no_trait"
rust_no_trait :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "c_loop"
c_loop :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "c_cheating"
c_cheating :: Int -> Int
foreign import ccall "c_bits"
c_bits :: Int -> Int
main :: IO ()
main = do
let expected = boxedVector 4
mapM_ (\(s, f) ->
if f 4 == expected
then return ()
else error $ "Did not match: " ++ show (expected, f 4, s))
defaultMain $ map (\(s, f) -> bench s $ whnf f high) funcs
high :: Int
high = 1000000
funcs =
{-[ ("C cheating", c_cheating)-}
{-, ("Rust cheating", rust_cheating)-}
{-, ("Haskell cheating", haskellCheating)-}
{-, ("C bits", c_bits)-}
{-, ("C loop", c_loop)-}
{-, ("Rust stream", rust_stream)-}
{-, ("Rust stream immutable", rust_stream_immut)-}
{-, ("Rust no trait", rust_no_trait)-}
{-, ("Rust iters", rust_iters)-}
{-, ("Rust loop", rust_loop)-}
{-, ("Haskell boxed vector", boxedVector)-}
{-, ("Haskell unboxed vector", unboxedVector)-}
{-, ("Haskell list", list)-}
{-, ("Haskell recursion", recursion)-}
{-, ("Haskell primitive", primitive)-}
{-, ("Haskell iterator 1", iterator1)-}
{-, ("Haskell iterator 1 unboxed", iterator1U)-}
{-, ("Haskell iterator 2", iterator2)-}
{-, ("Haskell iterator 3", iterator3)-}
{-, ("Haskell iterator 4", iterator4)-}
{-, ("Haskell iterator 5", iterator5)-}
[ ("Haskell List", haskellList)
, ("Haskell Foldable", haskellFoldable)
, ("Haskell Lens", haskellLens)
haskellCheating :: Int -> Int
haskellCheating high' =
loop 0 4
loop !total !i
| i <= high = loop (total + i) (i + 4)
| otherwise = total
high = high' * 2
boxedVector :: Int -> Int
boxedVector high =
VB.sum $ (* 2) $ VB.filter even $ VB.enumFromTo 1 high
unboxedVector :: Int -> Int
unboxedVector high =
VU.sum $ (* 2) $ VU.filter even $ VU.enumFromTo 1 high
list :: Int -> Int
list high =
sum $ map (* 2) $ filter even $ enumFromTo 1 high
recursion :: Int -> Int
recursion high =
loop 1 0
loop !i !total
| i > high = total
| even i = loop (i + 1) (total + i * 2)
| otherwise = loop (i + 1) total
primitive :: Int -> Int
primitive (I# high) =
loop 1# 0#
loop i total
| isTrue# (i ># high) = I# total
| isTrue# (andI# i 1#) = loop (i +# 1#) total
| otherwise = loop (i +# 1#) (total +# (i *# 2#))
iterator1 :: Int -> Int
iterator1 high =
unsafePerformIO $
enumFromTo1 1 high >>=
filter1 even >>=
map1 (* 2) >>=
class Iterator1 iter where
type Item1 iter
next1 :: iter -> IO (Maybe (Item1 iter))
data EnumFromTo1 a = EnumFromTo1 !(IORef a) !a
enumFromTo1 :: a -> a -> IO (EnumFromTo1 a)
enumFromTo1 low high = do
ref <- newIORef low
return $ EnumFromTo1 ref high
instance (Ord a, Num a) => Iterator1 (EnumFromTo1 a) where
type Item1 (EnumFromTo1 a) = a
next1 (EnumFromTo1 ref high) = do
i <- readIORef ref
if i > high
then return Nothing
else do
writeIORef ref $! i + 1
return $ Just i
data Filter1 a iter = Filter1 !(a -> Bool) !iter
filter1 :: (a -> Bool) -> iter -> IO (Filter1 a iter)
filter1 predicate iter = return $ Filter1 predicate iter
instance (Iterator1 iter, Item1 iter ~ a) => Iterator1 (Filter1 a iter) where
type Item1 (Filter1 a iter) = a
next1 (Filter1 predicate iter) =
loop = do
mx <- next1 iter
case mx of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just x
| predicate x -> return $ Just x
| otherwise -> loop
data Map1 a b iter = Map1 !(a -> b) !iter
map1 :: (a -> b) -> iter -> IO (Map1 a b iter)
map1 f iter = return $ Map1 f iter
instance (Iterator1 iter, Item1 iter ~ a) => Iterator1 (Map1 a b iter) where
type Item1 (Map1 a b iter) = b
next1 (Map1 f iter) = (fmap.fmap) f (next1 iter)
sum1 :: (Num (Item1 iter), Iterator1 iter) => iter -> IO (Item1 iter)
sum1 iter =
loop 0
loop !total = do
mx <- next1 iter
case mx of
Nothing -> return total
Just x -> loop (total + x)
iterator1U :: Int -> Int
iterator1U high =
unsafePerformIO $
enumFromTo1U 1 high >>=
filter1 even >>=
map1 (* 2) >>=
data EnumFromTo1U a = EnumFromTo1U !(VUM.MVector RealWorld a) !a
enumFromTo1U :: VUM.Unbox a => a -> a -> IO (EnumFromTo1U a)
enumFromTo1U low high = do
ref <- VUM.replicate 1 low
return $ EnumFromTo1U ref high
instance (Ord a, Num a, VUM.Unbox a) => Iterator1 (EnumFromTo1U a) where
type Item1 (EnumFromTo1U a) = a
next1 (EnumFromTo1U ref high) = do
i <- VUM.unsafeRead ref 0
if i > high
then return Nothing
else do
VUM.unsafeWrite ref 0 $! i + 1
return $ Just i
iterator2 :: Int -> Int
iterator2 high =
sum2 $
map2 (* 2) $
filter2 even $
enumFromTo2 1 high
data Step2 iter
= Done2
| Yield2 !iter !(Item2 iter)
class Iterator2 iter where
type Item2 iter
next2 :: iter -> Step2 iter
data EnumFromTo2 a = EnumFromTo2 !a !a
enumFromTo2 :: a -> a -> EnumFromTo2 a
enumFromTo2 = EnumFromTo2
instance (Ord a, Num a) => Iterator2 (EnumFromTo2 a) where
type Item2 (EnumFromTo2 a) = a
next2 (EnumFromTo2 i high)
| i > high = Done2
| otherwise = Yield2 (EnumFromTo2 (i + 1) high) i
data Filter2 a iter = Filter2 !(a -> Bool) !iter
filter2 :: (a -> Bool) -> iter -> Filter2 a iter
filter2 = Filter2
instance (Iterator2 iter, Item2 iter ~ a) => Iterator2 (Filter2 a iter) where
type Item2 (Filter2 a iter) = a
next2 (Filter2 predicate iter0) =
loop iter0
loop iter1 =
case next2 iter1 of
Done2 -> Done2
Yield2 iter2 x
| predicate x -> Yield2 (Filter2 predicate iter2) x
| otherwise -> loop iter2
data Map2 a b iter = Map2 !(a -> b) !iter
map2 :: (a -> b) -> iter -> Map2 a b iter
map2 = Map2
instance (Iterator2 iter, Item2 iter ~ a) => Iterator2 (Map2 a b iter) where
type Item2 (Map2 a b iter) = b
next2 (Map2 f iter1) =
case next2 iter1 of
Done2 -> Done2
Yield2 iter2 x -> Yield2 (Map2 f iter2) (f x)
sum2 :: (Num (Item2 iter), Iterator2 iter) => iter -> Item2 iter
sum2 =
loop 0
loop !total iter1 =
case next2 iter1 of
Done2 -> total
Yield2 iter2 x -> loop (total + x) iter2
iterator3 :: Int -> Int
iterator3 high =
sum3 $
map3 (* 2) $
filter3 even $
enumFromTo3 1 high
data Step3 iter
= Done3
| Yield3 !iter !Int
class Iterator3 iter where
next3 :: iter -> Step3 iter
data EnumFromTo3 = EnumFromTo3 !Int !Int
enumFromTo3 :: Int -> Int -> EnumFromTo3
enumFromTo3 = EnumFromTo3
instance Iterator3 EnumFromTo3 where
next3 (EnumFromTo3 i high)
| i > high = Done3
| otherwise = Yield3 (EnumFromTo3 (i + 1) high) i
data Filter3 = Filter3 !(Int -> Bool) {-# UNPACK #-} !EnumFromTo3
filter3 :: (Int -> Bool) -> EnumFromTo3 -> Filter3
filter3 = Filter3
instance Iterator3 Filter3 where
next3 (Filter3 predicate iter0) =
loop iter0
loop iter1 =
case next3 iter1 of
Done3 -> Done3
Yield3 iter3 x
| predicate x -> Yield3 (Filter3 predicate iter3) x
| otherwise -> loop iter3
data Map3 = Map3 !(Int -> Int) {-# UNPACK #-} !Filter3
map3 :: (Int -> Int) -> Filter3 -> Map3
map3 = Map3
instance Iterator3 Map3 where
next3 (Map3 f iter1) =
case next3 iter1 of
Done3 -> Done3
Yield3 iter3 x -> Yield3 (Map3 f iter3) (f x)
sum3 :: Map3 -> Int
sum3 =
loop 0
loop !total iter1 =
case next3 iter1 of
Done3 -> total
Yield3 iter3 x -> loop (total + x) iter3
iterator4 :: Int -> Int
iterator4 high =
sum4 $
map4 (* 2) $
filter4 even $
enumFromTo4 1 high
data Step4 s a
= Done4
| Yield4 s a
data Iterator4 a = forall s. Iterator4 s (s -> Step4 s a)
enumFromTo4 :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> Iterator4 a
enumFromTo4 start high =
Iterator4 start f
f i
| i > high = Done4
| otherwise = Yield4 (i + 1) i
filter4 :: (a -> Bool) -> Iterator4 a -> Iterator4 a
filter4 predicate (Iterator4 s0 next) =
Iterator4 s0 loop
loop s1 =
case next s1 of
Done4 -> Done4
Yield4 s2 x
| predicate x -> Yield4 s2 x
| otherwise -> loop s2
map4 :: (a -> b) -> Iterator4 a -> Iterator4 b
map4 f (Iterator4 s0 next) =
Iterator4 s0 loop
loop s1 =
case next s1 of
Done4 -> Done4
Yield4 s2 x -> Yield4 s2 (f x)
sum4 :: Num a => Iterator4 a -> a
sum4 (Iterator4 s0 next) =
loop 0 s0
loop !total !s1 =
case next s1 of
Done4 -> total
Yield4 s2 x -> loop (total + x) s2
iterator5 :: Int -> Int
iterator5 high =
sum5 $
map5 (* 2) $
filter5 even $
enumFromTo5 1 high
data Step5 s a
= Done5
| Skip5 s
| Yield5 s a
data Iterator5 a = forall s. Iterator5 s (s -> Step5 s a)
enumFromTo5 :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> Iterator5 a
enumFromTo5 start high =
Iterator5 start f
f i
| i > high = Done5
| otherwise = Yield5 (i + 1) i
filter5 :: (a -> Bool) -> Iterator5 a -> Iterator5 a
filter5 predicate (Iterator5 s0 next) =
Iterator5 s0 noloop
noloop s1 =
case next s1 of
Done5 -> Done5
Skip5 s2 -> Skip5 s2
Yield5 s2 x
| predicate x -> Yield5 s2 x
| otherwise -> Skip5 s2
map5 :: (a -> b) -> Iterator5 a -> Iterator5 b
map5 f (Iterator5 s0 next) =
Iterator5 s0 noloop
noloop s1 =
case next s1 of
Done5 -> Done5
Skip5 s2 -> Skip5 s2
Yield5 s2 x -> Yield5 s2 (f x)
sum5 :: Num a => Iterator5 a -> a
sum5 (Iterator5 s0 next) =
loop 0 s0
loop !total !s1 =
case next s1 of
Done5 -> total
Skip5 s2 -> loop total s2
Yield5 s2 x -> loop (total + x) s2
haskellList :: Int -> Int
haskellList high =
L.sum $ (* 2) $
L.filter even [1..high]
haskellFoldable :: Int -> Int
haskellFoldable high =
F.sum $
fmap (* 2) $
L.filter even [1..high]
haskellLens :: Int -> Int
haskellLens high =
F.sum $ [1..high] ^.. traversed . filtered even . to (* 2)
Main: librust.a Main.hs loop.o
stack --resolver lts-8.12 exec --package lens --package criterion -- ghc -O2 -o Main Main.hs librust.a loop.o -fllvm
rustc --crate-type staticlib -C opt-level=2
loop.o: loop.c
gcc -O2 -o loop.o -c loop.c
# clang -O3 -o loop.o -c loop.c
#![crate_type = "lib"]
pub extern fn rust_iters(high: isize) -> isize {
(1..high + 1)
.filter(|x| x % 2 == 0)
.map(|x| x * 2)
pub extern fn rust_cheating(high: isize) -> isize {
let mut total = 0;
let mut i = 4;
let high = high * 2;
while i <= high {
total += i;
i += 4;
pub extern fn rust_loop(high: isize) -> isize {
let mut total = 0;
let mut i = 1;
while i <= high {
if i % 2 == 0 {
total += i * 2;
i += 1;
pub extern fn rust_stream(high: isize) -> isize {
(|x| x * 2),
( (|x| x % 2 == 0),
range_stream(1, high + 1)
fn range_stream(low: isize, high: isize) -> RangeStream {
RangeStream {
low: low,
high: high,
struct RangeStream {
low: isize, // FIXME generalize
high: isize,
impl Stream for RangeStream {
type Item = isize;
fn next(&mut self) -> Step<isize> {
if self.low >= self.high {
} else {
let ret = self.low;
self.low += 1;
struct FilterStream<S, P> {
stream: S,
predicate: P,
fn filter_stream<S: Stream, P>(predicate: P, stream: S) -> FilterStream<S, P>
where P: FnMut(&S::Item) -> bool {
FilterStream {
predicate: predicate,
stream: stream,
impl<S: Stream, P> Stream for FilterStream<S, P>
where P: FnMut(&S::Item) -> bool {
type Item = S::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Step<S::Item> {
match {
Step::Done => Step::Done,
Step::Skip => Step::Skip,
Step::Yield(x) => {
if (self.predicate)(&x) {
} else {
struct MapStream<S, F> {
stream: S,
f: F,
fn map_stream<S, F>(f: F, stream: S) -> MapStream<S, F> {
MapStream {
stream: stream,
f: f,
impl<B, S: Stream, F> Stream for MapStream<S, F>
where F: Fn(S::Item) -> B {
type Item = B;
fn next(&mut self) -> Step<B> {
match {
Step::Done => Step::Done,
Step::Skip => Step::Skip,
Step::Yield(x) => {
fn sum_stream<S>(mut stream: S) -> isize // FIXME generalize from isize
where S: Stream<Item=isize>, {
let mut total = 0;
loop {
match {
Step::Done => {
return total;
Step::Skip => (),
Step::Yield(i) => {
total += i;
enum Step<T> {
trait Stream {
type Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Step<Self::Item>;
pub extern fn rust_stream_immut(high: isize) -> isize {
(|x| x * 2),
( (|x| x % 2 == 0),
range_stream_immut(1, high + 1)
enum StepI<S, T> {
Yield(S, T),
trait StreamI where Self: Sized {
type Item;
fn next(self) -> StepI<Self, Self::Item>;
struct RangeStreamI {
low: isize, // FIXME generalize
high: isize,
impl StreamI for RangeStreamI {
type Item = isize;
fn next(self) -> StepI<Self, Self::Item> {
if self.low >= self.high {
} else {
let res = self.low;
let new_self = RangeStreamI {
low: self.low + 1,
high: self.high,
StepI::Yield(new_self, res)
fn range_stream_immut(low: isize, high: isize) -> RangeStreamI {
RangeStreamI {
low: low,
high: high,
struct FilterStreamI<S, P> {
stream: S,
predicate: P,
fn filter_stream_immut<S: StreamI, P>(predicate: P, stream: S) -> FilterStreamI<S, P>
where P: FnMut(&S::Item) -> bool {
FilterStreamI {
predicate: predicate,
stream: stream,
impl<S: StreamI, P> StreamI for FilterStreamI<S, P>
where P: FnMut(&S::Item) -> bool {
type Item = S::Item;
fn next(self) -> StepI<Self, S::Item> {
match {
StepI::Done => StepI::Done,
StepI::Skip(stream) => {
StepI::Skip(FilterStreamI {
stream: stream,
predicate: self.predicate,
StepI::Yield(stream, x) => {
let mut p = self.predicate;
if p(&x) {
let new_self = FilterStreamI {
stream: stream,
predicate: p,
StepI::Yield(new_self, x)
} else {
StepI::Skip(FilterStreamI {
stream: stream,
predicate: p,
struct MapStreamI<S, F> {
stream: S,
f: F,
fn map_stream_immut<S, F>(f: F, stream: S) -> MapStreamI<S, F> {
MapStreamI {
stream: stream,
f: f,
impl<B, S: StreamI, F> StreamI for MapStreamI<S, F>
where F: Fn(S::Item) -> B {
type Item = B;
fn next(self) -> StepI<Self, B> {
let f = self.f;
match {
StepI::Done => StepI::Done,
StepI::Skip(stream) => {
StepI::Skip(MapStreamI {
f: f,
stream: stream,
StepI::Yield(stream, x) => {
let y = f(x);
let new_self = MapStreamI {
f: f,
stream: stream,
StepI::Yield(new_self, y)
fn sum_stream_immut<S>(stream: S) -> isize // FIXME generalize from isize
where S: StreamI<Item=isize>, {
let mut total = 0;
let mut stream_option = Some(stream);
while let Some(stream) = stream_option.take() {
match {
StepI::Done => (),
StepI::Skip(new_stream) => {
stream_option = Some(new_stream);
StepI::Yield(new_stream, i) => {
total += i;
stream_option = Some(new_stream);
struct NoTrait<A> {
next: Box<(FnMut() -> Option<A>)>,
pub extern fn rust_no_trait(high: isize) -> isize {
(|x| x * 2),
( (|x| x % 2 == 0),
range_nt(1, high + 1)
fn sum_nt(mut nt: NoTrait<isize>) -> isize {
let mut total = 0;
while let Some(x) = ( {
total += x;
fn map_nt<F, A, B>(f: F, mut nt: NoTrait<A>) -> NoTrait<B>
where F: Fn(A) -> B + 'static,
A: 'static {
NoTrait {
next: Box::new(move || {
match ( {
None => None,
Some(x) => Some(f(x)),
fn filter_nt<F, A>(f: F, mut nt: NoTrait<A>) -> NoTrait<A>
where F: Fn(&A) -> bool + 'static,
A: 'static {
NoTrait {
next: Box::new(move || {
loop {
match ( {
None => {
return None;
Some(x) => {
if f(&x) {
return Some(x);
fn range_nt(mut low: isize, high: isize) -> NoTrait<isize> {
NoTrait {
next: Box::new(move || {
if low >= high {
} else {
let res = low;
low += 1;
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