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Git commands - cheat-sheet

Git Cheat sheet

Git basics

Create a repository

$ git init <directory>

Create empty Git repo in specified directory. Run with no arguments to initialize the current directory as a git repository.

Clone a project

$ git clone <url or path>

Clone repo located at onto local machine. Original repo can be located on the local filesystem or on a remote machine via HTTP or SSH.


 # local
 $ git config <name>
 $ git config "<email>"


 # global
 $ git config --global <name>
 $ git config --global "<email>"

Define author name to be used for all commits in current repo. Devs commonly use --global flag to set config options for current user.

 # global
 $ git config --global alias.<alias-name> <git-command>

Create shortcut for a Git command. E.g. alias.glog “log --graph --oneline” will set ”git glog” equivalent to ”git log --graph --oneline".

 # global
 $ git config --system core.editor <editor>

Set text editor used by commands for all users on the machine. arg should be the command that launches the desired editor (e.g., vi).

 $ git config --global --edit

Open the global configuration file in a text editor for manual editing.

Stage files

$ git add <directory or file>

Stage all changes in for the next commit. Replace with a to change a specific file.

Add only modified files

$ git add -u

Add only modified files

Add files on interactive mode

$ git add -p

Add files to stage on interactive and show diff between them

Create a commit

$ git commit -m "<message>"

Commit the staged snapshot, but instead of launching a text editor, use as the commit message.

commit lint message pattern

# new build release
$ git commit -m "build(context): message"

# new deps or lib set
$ git commit -m "chore(context): message"

# new configuration 
$ git commit -m "ci(context): message"

# documentation update or create
$ git commit -m "docs(context): message"

# new feature
$ git commit -m "feat(context): message"

# some bug fix
$ git commit -m "fix(context): message"
# some code changed no new implementation
$ git commit -m "refactor(context): message"

# some commit was reverted
$ git commit -m "revert(context): message"
# some css style added or updated
$ git commit -m "style(context): message"

# some test added or changed
$ git commit -m "test(context): message"


$ git status

List which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked.

$ git log

Display the entire commit history using the default format. For customization see additional options.

$ git log -<limit>

Limit number of commits by . E.g. ”git log -5” will limit to 5 commits.

$ git log --oneline

Condense each commit to a single line.

$ git log -p

Display the full diff of each commit.

$ git log --stat

Include which files were altered and the relative number of lines that were added or deleted from each of them.

$ git log --author=”<pattern>

Search for commits by a particular author

$ git log --grep=”<pattern>

Search for commits with a commit message that matches .

$ git log <since>..<until>

Show commits that occur between and . Args can be a commit ID, branch name, HEAD, or any other kind of revision reference.

$ git log -- <file>

Only display commits that have the specified file

$ git log --graph --decorate

--graph flag draws a text based graph of commits on left side of commit msgs. --decorate adds names of branches or tags of commits shown

Alias example:

# Open config file
$ git config --global --edit

# Create an alias on file

       s = !git status
       c = !git add --all && git commit -m
       l = !git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(red)%d %C(white)%s - %C(cyan)%cn, %C(green)%cr'

# Then save the file

$ git diff

Show unstaged changes between your index and working directory.

$ git diff HEAD

Show difference between working directory and last commit.

$ git diff --cached

Show difference between staged changes and last commit

$ git commit --amend -m "<message>"

Replace the last commit with the staged changes and last commit combined. Use with nothing staged to edit the last commit’s message

$ git rebase <base>

Rebase the current branch onto . can be a commit ID, branch name, a tag, or a relative reference to HEAD

git rebase -i <base>

Interactively rebase current branch onto . Launches editor to enter commands for how each commit will be transferred to the new base.

Update a fork using rebase

# 'Add an alias to original url repo'
$ git remote add upstream

# 'Get updates'
$ git fetch upstream

# 'Update local repo (main branch) from upstream'
$ git rebase upstream/main

$ git reflog

Show a log of changes to the local repository’s HEAD. Add --relative-date flag to show date info or --all to show all refs.


$ git branch

List all of the branches in your repo. Add a argument to create a new branch with the name .

$ git checkout -b <branch>

Create and check out a new branch named . Drop the -b flag to checkout an existing branch.

$ git switch <branch>

Naegate to an existing branch

$ git merge <branch>

Merge into the current branch.

$ git branch -d <branch>

Delete a branch if it exists

$ git branch -D <branch>

Forced Delete a branch

$ git checkout <branch> <file>

Update a specific file from another branch to current branch

Remote repositories

$ git remote add <name> <url>

Create a new connection to a remote repo. After adding a remote, you can use as a shortcut for in other commands.

$ git remote -v

Show information about remotes

$ git fetch <remote> <branch>

Fetches a specific , from the repo. Leave off to fetch all remote refs.

$ git pull <remote>

Fetch the specified remote’s copy of current branch and immediately merge it into the local copy.

$ git pull --rebase <remote>

Fetch the remote’s copy of current branch and rebases it into the local copy. Uses git rebase instead of merge to integrate the branches.

$ git push <remote> <branch>

Push the branch to , along with necessary commits and objects. Creates named branch in the remote repo if it doesn’t exist.

$ git push <remote> --all

Push all of your local branches to the specified remote.

$ git push <remote> --tags

Tags aren’t automatically pushed when you push a branch or use the --all flag. The --tags flag sends all of your local tags to the remote repo.

Undoing changes

$ git revert <commit>

Create new commit that undoes all of the changes made in , then apply it to the current branch.

$ git reset <file>

Remove from the staging area, but leave the working directory unchanged. This unstages a file without overwriting any changes.

$ git clean -n

Shows which files would be removed from working directory. Use the -f flag in place of the -n flag to execute the clean.


$ git tag -a "version" -m "<message>"	

Create a new tag example git tag -a "1.0.0" "v1.0.0"

$ git checkout "1.0.0"	

Navegate on code to version "1.0.0" identified by tag

$ git tag -d  "1.0.0"	

Delete tag "1.0.0"


$ git stash

Add all changed files to stash

$ git stash list

Show stash index and files

$ git stash pop

Get all files from stash to HEAD and remove it from stash. If you don't want remove it use git stash apply

Utils log formats

git log --stat --no-merges --format="%Cred%h : %Cgreen%an - %Cblue%s %C(yellow)%cr" 
Changed Files.
Hash : UserName - Message Period

git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(red)%d %C(white)%s - %C(cyan)%cn, %C(green)%cr'

One line commits info.

Hash Message UserName Period

git diff --stat -c <branch>

List changes from current branch and other branch

git branch -r | grep -v HEAD | while read b; do git log --color --format="%ci _%C(bold cyan)$b%Creset^ %s^ %C(bold blue)%an%Creset^ %C(magenta) %cr^ " $b | head -n 1; done | sort -r | cut -d_ -f2- | sed 's;origin/;;g' | awk -F^ -vOFS=^ 'NR{$3=substr($3,1,60)}1' | head -10 | column -t -s '^'

List all branchs and last commit for each one.

Branch CommitMessage UserName Period

 git shortlog -sn

View how many commits each user made

git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'

Generate a graph showing that branch commits have been merged

Navegate between commits

git checkout HEAD~1

Go back a commit from the current commit

git checkout <HASH>

Go to a specific commit. Use git log --oneline to identify the hash

git checkout <current_branch>

# or

git switch <current_branch>

Go to last commit on current branch.

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