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Created February 16, 2016 14:27
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Code for the article
* For simplity i'm using Ammonite-Repl.
// Add Spray repo resolver
import ammonite.repl._, Resolvers._
resolvers() = resolvers() :+ Resolver.Http("spray repo", "", IvyPattern, false)
// Load toolkit
load.ivy("io.spray" %% "spray-routing" % "1.3.3")
load.ivy("io.spray" %% "spray-json" % "1.3.2")
// Wrapped into object to paste it into
// Ammonite repl.
object code {
import scala.concurrent._, ExecutionContext.Implicits._
import spray.json._, DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.routing._, Directives._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
final case class RegistrationData(login: String, pwd: String)
object RegistrationData {
implicit val format = jsonFormat2(RegistrationData.apply)
final case class Account(data: RegistrationData)
case object MalformedRegistrationDataRej extends Rejection
type ID = String
def validate(data: RegistrationData): Option[RegistrationData] = ???
def storeAccountInDB(acc: Account): Future[ID] = ???
val registerRoute = {
path("register") {
post {
entity(as[RegistrationData]) { entity =>
validate(entity) match {
case None => reject(MalformedRegistrationDataRej)
case Some(data) =>
val account = Account(data)
val res = storeAccountInDB(account)
onSuccess(res) { id =>
complete(s"Your new id is $id!")
val registrationEndpoint: Directive1[RegistrationData] =
path("register") & post & entity(as[RegistrationData])
val registerRouteImp = {
registrationEndpoint { entity =>
validate(entity) match {
case None => reject(MalformedRegistrationDataRej)
case Some(data) =>
val account = Account(data)
val res = storeAccountInDB(account)
onSuccess(res) { id =>
complete(s"Your new id is $id!")
def validateDir(user: RegistrationData): Directive0 = {
if (user.pwd.nonEmpty) pass
else reject(MalformedRegistrationDataRej)
def createAccount(data: RegistrationData): Directive1[Account] = {
def persist(account: Account): Directive1[ID] = {
val registerRouteOpt = {
registrationEndpoint { entity =>
validateDir(entity) {
createAccount(entity) { acc =>
persist(acc) { id =>
complete(s"Your new id is $id!")
def withNewAccount(entity: RegistrationData): Directive1[ID] = {
validateDir(entity) & createAccount(entity).flatMap(persist)
load.ivy("org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-core" % "7.2.0")
import scalaz.Monad
implicit val directive1Monad = new Monad[Directive1] {
def point[A](a: ⇒ A): Directive1[A] = provide(a)
def bind[A, B](fa: Directive1[A])(f: (A) ⇒ Directive1[B]): Directive1[B] = fa.flatMap(f)
import shapeless._
implicit def dir02dir1(dir0: Directive0): Directive1[HNil] = dir0.hflatMap(_ => provide(HNil))
import scalaz.syntax.monad._
val data: Directive[String :: String :: HNil] = hprovide("4lex1v" :: "scala" :: HNil) _) >>= withNewAccount
import code._
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