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Created November 10, 2015 11:25
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Using default type parameter to drive type inference and a type class instance resultion
trait DefaultsTo[Type, Default]
object DefaultsTo {
implicit def defaultDefaultsTo[T]: DefaultsTo[T, T] = null
implicit def fallback[T, D]: DefaultsTo[T, D] = null
trait Document
trait Reader[A]
object Reader {
implicit def docReader: Reader[Document] =
new Reader[Document] {}
class Storage[DocType](name: String)(implicit val r: Reader[DocType], default: DefaultsTo[DocType, Document])
* Inserting the above into the Scala repl, the result should be the following (Scala 2.11.7)
scala> val mongo = new Storage("mongo")
mongo: Storage[Document] = Storage@221af3c0
// Resolved implicit value
scala> mongo.r
res0: Reader[Document] = Reader$$anon$1@57d5872c
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