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Last active January 9, 2022 08:43
Avisynth's SharpAAMCmod.avsi port to Vapoursynth
# 2020-11-03
from vapoursynth import core, VideoNode, GRAY
import havsfunc as haf
__version__ = "1.1.1"
def sharpaamcmod(orig, dark=20, thin=10, sharp=0, smooth=0, stabilize=False,
tradius=2, aapel=2, aaov=None, aablk=None, aatype='sangnom'):
"""Ported from:
dark = Line darkening amount, 0-256.
thin = optional line thinning amount, 0-256.
sharp = Postsharpening
smooth = Postsmoothing
stabilize = Use post stabilization with Motion Compensation
Tradius = Temporal radius for Mdegrain (1, 2 or 3)
aapel = Accuracy of the motion estimation (Value can only be 1, 2 or 4. 1 means a precision to the pixel.
2 means a precision to half a pixel, 4 means a precision to quarter a pixel, produced by spatial
interpolation (better but slower).)
aaov = Block overlap value (horizontal). Must be even and less than block size.
aablk = Size of a block (horizontal). It's either 4, 8 or 16 ( default is 8 ).
Larger blocks are less sensitive to noise, are faster, but also less accurate.
aatype = Use sangnom or eedi2 for anti-aliasing
# Vars and stuff
w = orig.width
h = orig.height
if w > 1100 and aaov is None:
aaov = 8
aaov = 4
if w > 1100 and aablk is None:
aablk = 16
aablk = 8
_max = (1 << orig.format.bits_per_sample) - 1
_mid = (1 << orig.format.bits_per_sample) / 2
aatype = aatype.lower()
# Mask
m = core.std.ShufflePlanes(orig, planes=0, colorfamily=GRAY)
m = core.std.Expr(core.std.Expr([core.std.Convolution(m, [5, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0, -5, -10, -5], divisor=4, saturate=False),
core.std.Convolution(m, [5, 0, -5, 10, 0, -10, 5, 0, -5], divisor=4, saturate=False)],
['x y max']),
['x {_mid} / 0.86 pow {_max} *'.format(_max=_max, _mid=_mid)])
# darkening and thining work different than in the original script because of effort
if dark != 0 or thin != 0:
preaa = haf.FastLineDarkenMOD(orig, strength=dark, thinning=thin)
preaa = orig
# Antialiasing
if aatype == 'sangnom':
aa = sangnomaa(preaa)
elif aatype == 'eedi2':
aa = ediaa(preaa)
raise ValueError('Wrong aatype, it should be "sangnom" or "eedi2".')
# Post sharpen
if sharp == 0 and smooth == 0:
postsh = aa
postsh = haf.LSFmod(aa, edgemode=1, strength=sharp, overshoot=1, soft=smooth)
# Merge results
merged = core.std.MaskedMerge(orig, postsh, m, planes=0)
# Motion compensate AA clip
sdiff = core.std.MakeDiff(orig, merged)
origsuper =, pel=aapel)
sdiffsuper =, pel=aapel, levels=1)
fvec3 =, delta=3, isb=False, blksize=aablk, overlap=aaov)
fvec2 =, delta=2, isb=False, blksize=aablk, overlap=aaov)
fvec1 =, delta=1, isb=False, blksize=aablk, overlap=aaov)
bvec1 =, delta=1, isb=True, blksize=aablk, overlap=aaov)
bvec2 =, delta=2, isb=True, blksize=aablk, overlap=aaov)
bvec3 =, delta=3, isb=True, blksize=aablk, overlap=aaov)
if tradius > 0:
sdd =, super=sdiffsuper, mvbw=bvec1, mvfw=fvec1)
if tradius > 1:
sdd =, super=sdiffsuper,
mvbw=bvec1, mvfw=fvec1, mvbw2=bvec2, mvfw2=fvec2)
if tradius > 2:
sdd =, super=sdiffsuper,
mvbw=bvec1, mvfw=fvec1, mvbw2=bvec2,
mvfw2=fvec2, mvbw3=bvec3, mvfw3=fvec3)
reduct = 0.4
tmp = core.std.Expr([sdiff, sdd], 'x {_mid} - abs y {_mid} - abs < x y ?'.format(_mid=_mid))
sdd = core.std.Merge(tmp, sdd, [1.0 - reduct, 0])
return core.std.MakeDiff(orig, sdd) if stabilize is True else merged
def sangnomaa(src):
if not isinstance(src, VideoNode):
raise ValueError('sangnomaa: This is not a clip')
ss = core.resize.Spline36(src, src.width*2, src.height*2)
aa = core.std.Transpose(ss).sangnom.SangNom().std.Transpose().sangnom.SangNom()
result = core.resize.Spline36(aa, src.width, src.height)
return result
def ediaa(src):
if not isinstance(src, VideoNode):
raise ValueError('ediaa: This is not a clip')
aa = core.std.Transpose(src).eedi2.EEDI2(field=1).std.Transpose().eedi2.EEDI2(field=1)
result = core.resize.Spline36(aa, src.width, src.height, src_left=-0.5, src_top=-0.5)
return result
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