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Last active December 28, 2016 00:49
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Use the SIM908 on odroidC1

How to use the SIM908 on an ODROID-C1

Automatic way :

  • Download the file

  • type sh in your terminal

Manual way :

PPPD configuraion :

Inspired by Adafruit's FONA tutorial

  • create/modify the file /etc/ppp/peers/fona:
# Example PPPD configuration for SIM908 on Archlinux-ARM.

# MUST CHANGE: Change the -T parameter value **** to your network's APN value.
# For example if your APN is 'internet' (without quotes), the line would look like:
# connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs -T internet"
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs -T"

# MUST CHANGE: Uncomment the appropriate serial device for your platform below.
# For Raspberry Pi use /dev/ttyAMA0 by uncommenting the line below:
# For BeagleBone Black use /dev/ttyO4 by uncommenting the line below:
# For ODROID C1 use /dev/ttyS2 by uncommenting the line below:

# Speed of the serial line.

# Assumes that your IP address is allocated dynamically by the ISP.

# Try to get the name server addresses from the ISP.

# Use this connection as the default route to the internet.

# Makes PPPD "dial again" when the connection is lost.

# Do not ask the remote to authenticate.

# No hardware flow control on the serial link with FONA

# No modem control lines with FONA.
  • create/modify the file /etc/chatscripts/gprs (you may need to create the folder /etc/chatscripts):
# line option of chat(8).
ABORT           BUSY
ABORT           VOICE
ABORT           "NO CARRIER"
ABORT           "NO DIAL TONE"
ABORT           "NO ANSWER"
ABORT           "DELAYED"
ABORT           "ERROR"
# cease if the modem is not attached to the network yet
ABORT           "+CGATT: 0"
""				AAAAAA # init the baudrate
""              AT
TIMEOUT         12
OK              ATH
OK              ATE1
# +CPIN provides the SIM card PIN
#OK             "AT+CPIN=1234"
# +CFUN may allow to configure the handset to limit operations to
# GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/etc to save power, but the arguments are not standard
# except for 1 which means "full functionality".
#OK             AT+CFUN=1
OK              AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","\T","",0,0
OK              ATD*99#
TIMEOUT         22
CONNECT         ""

Power it up :

  • export pins 115 and 116

echo "115" > /sys/class/gpio/export

echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio115/direction

echo "116" > /sys/class/gpio/export

echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio116/direction

  • init pin states

echo "0" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio115/value

echo "0" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio116/value

  • power on

echo "1" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio116/value

  • reset

echo "1" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio115/value

  • check if it works

chat -t 5 -vs '' 'AT' 'OK' > /dev/ttyS2 < /dev/ttyS2

This command start a communication with the modem. If it doesn't answer, there is a problem. the first '' means that we don't wait anything before sending the AT

start PPPD, and watch the logs :

  • in your terminal, type pon fona

  • use journalctl -b -f --no-pager | grep chat to see the serial communication

  • use journalctl -b -f --no-pager | grep pppd to see PPPDs logs

Warnings :

  • As long as the ODROID is alimented (even when rebooting), the SIM908 won't restart.

  • power ON/OFF and reset pins work by rising edge.

  • powering ON may fail if reset pin is up

# Config /etc/ppp/peers/fona
(test -e /etc/ppp/peers/fona && echo "/etc/ppp/peers/fona already exists") ||
(touch /etc/ppp/peers/fona &&
echo '# Example PPPD configuration for SIM908 on Archlinux-ARM.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# MUST CHANGE: Change the -T parameter value **** to your networks APN value.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# For example if your APN is 'internet' (without quotes), the line would look like:' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs -T internet"' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs -T"' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# MUST CHANGE: Uncomment the appropriate serial device for your platform below.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# For Raspberry Pi use /dev/ttyAMA0 by uncommenting the line below:' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '#/dev/ttyAMA0' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# For BeagleBone Black use /dev/ttyO4 by uncommenting the line below:' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '#/dev/ttyO4' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# For ODROID C1 use /dev/ttyS2 by uncommenting the line below:' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '/dev/ttyS2' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# Speed of the serial line.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '9600' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# Assumes that your IP address is allocated dynamically by the ISP.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'noipdefault' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# Try to get the name server addresses from the ISP.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'usepeerdns' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# Use this connection as the default route to the internet.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'defaultroute' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# Makes PPPD "dial again" when the connection is lost.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'persist' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# Do not ask the remote to authenticate.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'noauth' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# No hardware flow control on the serial link with FONA' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'nocrtscts' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo '# No modem control lines with FONA.' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona;
echo 'local' >> /etc/ppp/peers/fona);
# Config /etc/chatscripts/gprs
(test -e /etc/chatscripts/gprs && echo "/etc/chatscripts.gprs already exists") ||
(mkdir /etc/chatscripts;
touch /etc/chatscripts/gprs &&
echo '# line option of chat(8).' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo ' ' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT BUSY' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT VOICE' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT "NO CARRIER"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT "NO DIALTONE"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT "NO DIAL TONE"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT "NO ANSWER"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT "DELAYED"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT "ERROR"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo ' ' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '# cease if the modem is not attached to the network yet' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'ABORT "+CGATT: 0"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo ' ' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '"" AAAAAA # init the baudrate' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '"" AT' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'TIMEOUT 12' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'OK ATH' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'OK ATE1' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo ' ' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '# +CPIN provides the SIM card PIN' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '#OK "AT+CPIN=1234"' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo ' ' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '# +CFUN may allow to configure the handset to limit operations to' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '# GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/etc to save power, but the arguments are not standard' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '# except for 1 which means "full functionality".' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo '#OK AT+CFUN=1' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo ' ' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","\T","",0,0' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'OK ATD*99#' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'TIMEOUT 22' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs;
echo 'CONNECT ""' >> /etc/chatscripts/gprs);
# Export pins
echo "115" > /sys/class/gpio/export;
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio115/direction;
echo "116" > /sys/class/gpio/export;
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio116/direction;
# Init pins
echo "0" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio115/value;
echo "0" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio116/value;
# Power on
# Check if the modem is ON
stty -F /dev/ttyS2 9600;
(chat -t 5 -vs '' 'AT' 'OK' > /dev/ttyS2 < /dev/ttyS2) && echo 'modem already ON';
if [ $? -eq 3 ]
echo "1" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio116/value;
# Reset
echo "1" > /sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio115/value;
# Start PPP
pon fona;
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