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Last active July 17, 2022 14:29
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Encode audio files as webm using the album art as the video track
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, subprocess, shlex, json
from pathlib import Path
temp_folder = "/tmp"
album_art_filename = Path(temp_folder, "script_album_art.jpg")
audio_path = Path(sys.argv[1].strip())
if not audio_path.is_file():
print(f"File at \"{audio_path}\" does not exist")
except IndexError:
print("Must pass the path of an audio file")
print(f"Extracting Album Art from audio file to \"{album_art_filename}\"")
subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(f"ffmpeg -v quiet -y -i \"{audio_path}\" -an -c:v copy \"{album_art_filename}\""))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print(f"No Album Art found in \"{audio_path}\"")
print("Parsing metadata")
raw_ffprobe = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(f"ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams -show_format \"{audio_path}\""))
parsed_metadata = json.loads(raw_ffprobe.decode("utf8"))
found_pieces = {"title": None, "artist": None}
if parsed_metadata["format"].get("tags"): #mp3 stores them here
tags = parsed_metadata["format"]["tags"]
found_pieces["title"] = tags.get("TITLE") or tags.get("title")
found_pieces["artist"] = tags.get("ARTIST") or tags.get("artist")
if not (found_pieces["title"] and found_pieces["artist"]): #search streams (opus/etc)
for i in range(len(parsed_metadata["streams"])):
stream = parsed_metadata["streams"][i]
if stream["codec_type"] == "audio" and stream.get("tags"):
tags = stream["tags"]
found_pieces["title"] = tags.get("TITLE") or tags.get("title")
found_pieces["artist"] = tags.get("ARTIST") or tags.get("artist")
metadata_stream = f"1:s:{i}"
if found_pieces["title"] and found_pieces["artist"]:
webm_path = f"{found_pieces['artist']} - {found_pieces['title']}.webm"
webm_path = Path(audio_path).stem + ".webm"
print(f"Writing webm to \"{webm_path}\"")
subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(f"ffmpeg -v quiet -y -i \"{album_art_filename}\" -i \"{audio_path}\" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -vf scale=360:360 -af silenceremove=start_periods=1:stop_periods=1:detection=peak -map_metadata 1 -threads 10 -row-mt 1 -tile-rows 2 \"{webm_path}\""))
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