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Last active February 21, 2017 12:38
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-export([perimeter/1, area/1, areaEnclose/1, perimeterEnclose/1, bits/1]).
%% Shapes
% I am so sure about the requirements, and assume:
% 1. By "smallest enclosing rectangle", means both[0]:
% - Minimum-area enclosing rectangle
% - Minimum-perimeter enclosing rectangle
% 2. It does not base on coordinate system.
% [0]:
perimeter({triangle, {A, B, C}}) when A > 0 andalso B > 0 andalso C > 0 ->
A + B + C.
area({triangle, {A, B, C}}) ->
A + B > C andalso B + C > A andalso A + C > B ->
P = perimeter({triangle, {A, B, C}})/2,
math:sqrt(P * (P - A) * (P - B) * (P - C));
true ->
io:format("~s~n", ["Impossible triangle."])
% Minimum-area enclosing rectangle (2D)
areaEnclose({triangle, {A, B, C}}) ->
2 * area({triangle, {A, B, C}}).
% Minimum-perimeter enclosing rectangle (2D)
perimeterEnclose({triangle, {A, B, C}}) ->
2 * (min(A,B) + min(B,C)).
%% Summing the bits
bits(N) when is_integer(N) andalso N >= 0 ->
BIN = integer_to_list(N, 2),
lists:foldl(fun(X,ACC) -> (X - 48) + ACC end, 0, BIN).
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