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Last active September 27, 2019 15:17
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getUserIP (Promise)
* Get the user IP throught the webkitRTCPeerConnection
* @return {Promise<string>}
* @see Get the client IP address with Javascript on Safari {@link}
function getUserIP() {
//compatibility for firefox and chrome
var myPeerConnection =
window.RTCPeerConnection ||
window.mozRTCPeerConnection ||
var pc = new myPeerConnection({ iceServers: [] });
var noop = function() {};
var localIPs = {};
var ipRegex = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}|[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7})/g;
var key;
var resolve;
var reject;
var promise = new Promise(function (res, rej) {
resolve = res;
reject = rej;
function iterateIP(ip) {
if (!localIPs[ip]) resolve(ip);
localIPs[ip] = true;
//create a bogus data channel
// create offer and set local description
.then(function(sdp) {
sdp.sdp.split('\n').forEach(function(line) {
if (line.indexOf('candidate') < 0) return;
pc.setLocalDescription(sdp, noop, noop);
//listen for candidate events
pc.onicecandidate = function(ice) {
if (
!ice ||
!ice.candidate ||
!ice.candidate.candidate ||
) {
return promise;
// Usage
getUserIP().then(ip => console.log(ip));
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