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Created September 5, 2010 23:07
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RubyKaigi must die (for at least once).
NOTE: This is English translation of "".
The theme of Ruby Kaigi 2011 is "The last RubyKaigi" and the chariman Takahashi apparently got the
inspiration from this blog which Urabe san wrote a year ago. I translated this so that non Japanese
speaker also understand the context of post RubyKaigi discussions going on in Japanese Ruby community.
RubyKaigi must die (for at least once).
Original title: Let me say that Ruby Kaigi should end for now.
I've been thinking about this topic since the end of 2007 and it's getting more certain this year. Talk from
Kakutani san at Ruby Kaigi 2009 (Take the red pill) was so inspiring that I almost decided not to write
about this, but I will. Here are the 3 reasons.
(1) おまえらの仕事は品質過剰です。
1: The quality of RubyKaigi is unnecessarily high.
The fee of Ruby Kaigi (JPY 6000 for 3 days) is way too low considering average conference fees,
yet the quality is too high. We should think about how come this is possible. It looks to me that it is
relying too much on volunteers. It is as if we are burning the motivation of these volunteers as fuel.
I am worried that people get burnt out, and nothing is going to be left in the end.
I don't think buying someone's motivation by money (= paying money to stuff, or hiring professional event
company) is necessarily bad, especially if it helps to sustain the community.
To be frank, there is no structure for RubyKaigi to continue. This is because we were not sure if the Kaigi
will continue when we first started. We thought "just give a try". We continued because its continuous good
response, but this is not sustainable.
(2) おまえらはRuby会議で燃え尽きてる場合じゃないはずです。
2: RubyKaigi should be starting point, not the goal.
The initial purpose of Ruby Kaigi was to find people (who have contributed to Ruby , or use Ruby for
interesting ways) and put spotlight on them. There must be so many Rubyists who kept low profile unless
attended Ruby Kaigi.
I do agree that it's a great thing, but that should not be the start point. RubyKaigi is almost like a cradle
for Rubyist, but that's not the end goal. I feel that the number and quality of theses people start
outweighing RubyKaigi and RubyKaigi will become constraints to people as it grows.
How can we avoid this? We need some sort of scale up/out strategy such as increasing the capacity of the
Kaigi, do it more frequently, or incorporate RubyKaigi as sustainable organisation, but not sure if there
are anyone who want to do that. Then the alternative goes to "Stop it!!".
(3) Ruby会議ってキモくない?
3: Isn't RubyKaigi creepy?
I was expecting that someone is going to say this at some point. Why you guys always mentions "Love" or
"Feels" good, and everybody gets so moved? That's so creepy. You need to calm down a bit. Isn't it abnormal?
If you start hearing something sounds smooth, that means there are something else behind.
To say brutally frank, RubyKaigi is an instrument for a few leading people to agitate other people,
and this is so called "cult". It may not be that bad. Having said that, I am insider of the community
(NOTE: The author is one of the Ruby core committers), so even I may underestimate this phenomenon.
This is dangerous, because it is a sign of temporarily fever and people soon go away when the hype goes.
It's nice that Ruby becomes so popular, but we have to think about how to have sustainable community,
so the further fever should stop. It's now time to cool down a bit.
That's all. If you keep saying "It is too hard (to organise)" or "(RubyKaigi organisation) is so fragile",
then you should stop now. RubyKaigi is not all of your life, isn't it?
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