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Loading animation with keyframe for SCSS & Jade.
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// Loading animation with keyframe for SCSS & Jade
// inspired by
// Coding by François Lesenne
// $Var
$bg-color-1: #4EBA6F;
$bg-color-2: #2D95BF;
$bg-color-3: #F15A5A;
$bg-color-4: #955BA5;
$color: #fff;
// $Mixin
@mixin size($width , $height: $width ) {
width: $width;
height: $height;
@mixin fontsize($size: 24, $base: 16) {
font-size: $size + px;
font-size: ($size / $base) * 1rem;
@mixin absPosition ($top: auto, $right: auto, $bottom: auto, $left: auto) {
position: absolute;
top: $top;
right: $right;
bottom: $bottom;
left: $left;
@mixin opacity($opacity) {
opacity: $opacity;
$opacityIE: $opacity * 100;
filter: alpha(opacity=$opacityIE);
@mixin animation($animation...) {
-o-animation: $animation;
-moz-animation: $animation;
-webkit-animation: $animation;
animation: $animation;
/* $Base */
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: sans-serif;
@include fontsize(40);
color: $color;
text-align: center;
.loaders {
height: 300px;
line-height: 300px;
background-color: $bg-color-1;
.loaders-bg-2 { background-color: $bg-color-2;}
.loaders-bg-3 { background-color: $bg-color-3;}
.loaders-bg-4 { background-color: $bg-color-4;}
.loader {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
@include size(50px);
vertical-align: middle;
/* $Loader Quadrant
========================================================================== */
.loader-quart {
border-radius: 50px;
border: 6px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.4);
&:after {
content: '';
@include absPosition(-6px, -6px, -6px, -6px);
border-radius: 50px;
border: 6px solid transparent;
border-top-color: $color;
@include animation(spin 1s linear infinite);
/* $Loader Double circle
========================================================================== */
.loader-double {
border-radius: 50px;
border: 6px solid transparent;
border-top-color: $color;
border-bottom-color: $color;
@include animation(spin 1.5s linear infinite);
&:after {
content: '';
@include absPosition(5px, 5px, 5px, 5px);
border-radius: 50px;
border: 6px solid transparent;
border-top-color: $color;
border-bottom-color: $color;
@include opacity(0.6);
@include animation(spinreverse 2s linear infinite);
&:before {
top: 15px;
left: 15px;
bottom: 15px;
right: 15px;
@include animation(spinreverse 3s linear infinite);
/* $Loader Multiple circle
========================================================================== */
.loader-circles {
border-radius: 50px;
border: 3px solid transparent;
border-top-color: #fff;
@include animation(spin 1s linear infinite);
&:after {
content: '';
@include absPosition(5px, 5px, 5px, 5px);
border-radius: 50px;
border: 3px solid transparent;
border-top-color: $color;
@include opacity(0.8);
@include animation(spinreverse 5s linear infinite);
&:before {
top: 12px;
left: 12px;
bottom: 12px;
right: 12px;
@include animation(spinreverse 10s linear infinite);
/* $Loader Bars
========================================================================== */
.loader-bars span {
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
@include size(10px, 30px);
background-color: $color;
@include animation(grow 1.5s linear infinite);
.loader-bars:after {
left: 15px;
@include animation(grow 1.5s linear -.5s infinite);
.loader-bars span {
left: 30px;
@include animation(grow 1.5s linear -1s infinite);
@-webkit-keyframes grow {
0%{ -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); opacity: 0;}
50%{ -webkit-transform: scaleY(1); transform: scaleY(1); opacity: 1;}
100%{ -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); opacity: 0;}
@keyframes grow {
0%{ -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); opacity: 0;}
50%{ -webkit-transform: scaleY(1); transform: scaleY(1); opacity: 1;}
100%{ -webkit-transform: scaleY(0); transform: scaleY(0); opacity: 0;}
@-webkit-keyframes spin {
0%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); tranform: rotate(0deg);}
100%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); tranform: rotate(360deg);}
@keyframes spin {
0%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); tranform: rotate(0deg);}
100%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); tranform: rotate(360deg);}
@-webkit-keyframes spinreverse {
0%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); tranform: rotate(0deg);}
100%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); tranform: rotate(-360deg);}
@keyframes spinreverse {
0%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); tranform: rotate(0deg);}
100%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); tranform: rotate(-360deg);}
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