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Last active September 9, 2015 18:32
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dvp = DataView.prototype;;dvp.gu2=dvp.getUint16;
function itoa(x) { return String.fromCharCode(x); }
function flat(a) { return a.reduce(function(f,t){return f.concat(Array.isArray(t)?flat(t):t);},[]); }
// BERT Encoder
function atom(o) { return {t:100,v:utf8_toByteArray(o)}; }
function bin(o) { return {t:109,v:utf8_toByteArray(o)}; }
function tuple() { return {t:104,v:arguments}; }
function enc(o) { console.log(o); return new Blob(flat([131,ein(o)])); }
function ein(o) { return eval('en_'+o.t)(o); }
function en_98(o) { return [98,o.v>>>24,o.v>>>16&255,o.v>>>8&255,o.v&255]; }
function en_100(o) { return [100,o.v.length>>>8,o.v.length&255,o.v];}
function en_104(o) { return [104,o.v.length,{return ein(x);})]; }
function en_109(o) { var l=o.v.length;return[108,l>>>24,l>>>16&255,l>>>8&255,l&255,o.v]; }
function en_108(o) { var l=o.v.length;return[108,l>>>24,l>>>16&255,l>>>8&255,l&255,{return ein(x);})]; }
// BERT Decoder
function nop(b) { return []; };
function int(b) { return b==1?,ix+=4,a)); };
function dec(d) { sx=new DataView(d);ix=0; if(!==131)throw("BERT?"); return din();};
function str(b) { var sz=b==2?sx.gu2(ix):sx.gi4(ix);ix+=b;
return utf8_dec(new DataView(sx.buffer.slice(ix,ix+=sz))); };
function run(b) { var i=sz=b==1?,r=[]; ix+=b;
while(i--) r[sz-i-1]=din(); if(b==4)ix++; return r; };
function din() { var,x; switch(c) { case 97: x=[int,1];break;
case 98: x=[int,4]; break; case 100: x=[str,2]; break;
case 104: x=[run,1]; break; case 107: x=[str,2]; break;
case 108: x=[run,4]; break; case 109: x=[str,4]; break;
default: x=[nop,0]; } return {t:c,v:x[0](x[1])};};
/// BERT Protocol
function isTUPLE(x,num,name) { return (x.v.length === num && x.v[0].v === name); }
var $io = {}; $io.on = function onio(x, cb) { if (isTUPLE(x,3,'io')) {
try { eval(x.v[1].v); if (typeof cb == 'function') cb(x); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { status: '' }; }
return { status: "ok" }; } else return { status: '' }; }
var $file = {}; $file.on = function onfile(x, cb) { if (isTUPLE(x,12,'ftp')) {
if (typeof cb == 'function') cb(x); return { status: "ok" }; } else return { status: ''}; }
var $bin = {}; $bin.on = function onbin(x, cb) { if (isTUPLE(x,2,'bin')) {
if (typeof cb == 'function') cb(x); return { status: "ok" }; } else return { status: '' }; }
var $bert = {}; $bert.protos = [$io,$bin,$file];
$bert.on = function onbert(evt, cb) {
if (Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf( && ( > 0 || > 0)) {
var r = new FileReader();
r.addEventListener("loadend", function() {
try { erlang = dec(r.result);
if (debug) console.log(JSON.stringify(erlang.v));
if (typeof cb == 'function') cb(erlang);
for (var i=0;i<$bert.protos.length;i++) {
p = $bert.protos[i]; if (p.on(erlang, == "ok") return; }
} catch (e) { console.log(e); } });
return { status: "ok" }; } else return { status: "error", desc: "data" }; }
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