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Created June 9, 2023 19:17
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// TV Moire Pattern Effect
// by rinf 2014.
// Simulates a TV screen consisting of RGB pixels and a camera filming the screen,
// which creates a nice Moire pattern.
// Use fullscreen mode for best experience
// Press 'x' to toggle effect on and off
#define KEY_X 88.5/256.0
#define TV_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X 2560.0/4.0
struct Rectangle
vec3 v1;
vec3 v2;
vec3 v3;
vec3 CalcNormal(Rectangle A)
vec3 first = A.v1 - A.v2;
vec3 second = A.v2 - A.v3;
return cross(first,second);
vec3 Intersect(vec3 B, vec3 r, vec3 A, vec3 p)
float u=0.0;
if (r.x*p.x+r.y*p.y+r.z*p.z!=0.0)
u = (dot(A,p)-dot(B,p))/(dot(r,p));
return B+r*u;
vec2 Calc_ul(vec3 B, vec3 C, vec3 r, vec3 s)
float l = (C.y*r.x-B.y*r.x-C.x*r.y+B.x*r.y)/(s.y-s.x*r.y);
float u = 0.0;
if (r.x==0.0)
u = (C.x-B.x-l*s.x)/r.x;
return vec2(u,l);
vec3 GetScreenPixelColor(vec2 ul)
float x = mod(ul.x * TV_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_X / (1600.0/iResolution.x) * 3.0,3.0);
vec3 tex = texture(iChannel0, vec2(ul.x,ul.y) ).xyz;
return mix(mix(vec3(tex.r,0.0,0.0),vec3(0.0,tex.g,0.0),step(1.0,x)),
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 q = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
float cTime = /*iMouse.x*/ 68.0 + 10.0;
vec2 rect_offset = vec2(-0.6, -0.36);
float zoom = 0.04;// 0.9+sin(/*cTime**/0.5)*1.0;
Rectangle rect;
rect.v1 = vec3(0.1+rect_offset.x, 0.01+rect_offset.y, 0.4/*+sin(cTime*1.5)*/*0.15);
rect.v2 = vec3(0.1+rect_offset.x, 0.9+rect_offset.y, 0.5/*+sin(cTime*1.5)*/*0.15);
rect.v3 = vec3(0.9+rect_offset.x, 0.9+rect_offset.y, 0.5/*+cos(cTime*1.0)*/*0.15);
float bu = abs(rect.v2.x - rect.v3.x);
float bl = abs(rect.v1.y - rect.v2.y);
vec3 rect_normal_vector = CalcNormal(rect);
rect_normal_vector = normalize(rect_normal_vector);
vec3 plane_vector1 = normalize(rect.v2 - rect.v1);
vec3 plane_vector2 = normalize(rect.v3 - rect.v2);
vec3 screen_vector = vec3( q.x/10.0 , q.y/10.0 , -1);
vec3 camera = vec3( q.x-0.5, q.y+0.5, zoom);
vec3 ray = camera - screen_vector;
vec3 intersection = Intersect(camera,ray,rect.v3,rect_normal_vector);
vec2 ul = Calc_ul(rect.v2, intersection, plane_vector2, plane_vector1);
vec3 new_col = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 old_col = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (ul.x>0.0 && ul.x<1.0 && ul.y>0.0 && ul.y<1.0)
float count=0.0;
for (float i=-1.0;i<1.0;i+=0.33)
new_col += GetScreenPixelColor(vec2(ul.x+i/iResolution.x,ul.y));
count = count + 1.0;
new_col = 3.0*new_col/count;
old_col = texture(iChannel0, vec2(ul.x,ul.y) ).xyz;
if (texture(iChannel1,vec2(KEY_X, 0.75)).x > 0.0)
new_col =old_col;
fragColor = vec4(new_col,1.0);
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