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Created May 23, 2021 06:19
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import kha.graphics2.Graphics;
import kha.Image;
class NineSlice {
var radiusSize:Int;
var sourceImageEdgeLength:Int;
var image:Image;
public function new(radiusSize:Int, image:Image) {
if (image.width != image.height) {
throw 'nine slice requires square image';
sourceImageEdgeLength = image.width - (radiusSize * 2);
if (sourceImageEdgeLength < 0) {
throw 'radius size too large for provided image';
this.radiusSize = radiusSize;
this.image = image;
public function render(g:Graphics, x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int) {
// Upper-left quadrant
g.drawSubImage(image, x, y, 0, 0, radiusSize, radiusSize);
// Upper-middle quadrant
g.drawScaledSubImage(image, radiusSize, 0, sourceImageEdgeLength, radiusSize, x+radiusSize, y, width-2*radiusSize, radiusSize);
// Upper-right quadrant
g.drawSubImage(image, x + width - radiusSize, y, image.width - radiusSize, 0, radiusSize, radiusSize);
// Middle-left quadrant
g.drawScaledSubImage(image, 0, radiusSize, radiusSize, sourceImageEdgeLength, x, y+radiusSize, radiusSize, height-2*radiusSize);
// Middle-middle quadrant
g.drawScaledSubImage(image, radiusSize, radiusSize, sourceImageEdgeLength, sourceImageEdgeLength, x+radiusSize, y+radiusSize, width-2*radiusSize, height-2*radiusSize);
// Middle-right quadrant
g.drawScaledSubImage(image, radiusSize+sourceImageEdgeLength, radiusSize, radiusSize, sourceImageEdgeLength, x+width-radiusSize, y+radiusSize, radiusSize, height-2*radiusSize);
// Bottom-left quadrant
g.drawSubImage(image, x, y + height - radiusSize, 0, image.height-radiusSize, radiusSize, radiusSize);
// Bottom-middle quadrant
g.drawScaledSubImage(image, radiusSize, radiusSize+sourceImageEdgeLength, sourceImageEdgeLength, radiusSize, x+radiusSize, y+height-radiusSize, width-2*radiusSize, radiusSize);
// Bottom-right quadrant
g.drawSubImage(image, x + width - radiusSize, y + height - radiusSize, image.width - radiusSize, image.height-radiusSize, radiusSize, radiusSize);
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