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Last active July 22, 2022 16:41
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Synthetic-Data-Generation in Blender
import bpy
from numpy.random import uniform
def rand_camera_loc(camera, xloc_range, yloc_range, zloc_range):
""" Randomize camera location for each axis based on the provided ranges """
new_loc = camera.location
new_loc[0] = uniform(low=xloc_range[0], high=xloc_range[1])
new_loc[1] = uniform(low=yloc_range[0], high=yloc_range[1])
new_loc[2] = uniform(low=zloc_range[0], high=zloc_range[1])
camera.location = new_loc
camera =['Camera'] # target camera to use
rand_camera_loc(camera, [-1,1], [-1,1], [-0.5,0.5])
import bpy # Blender specific import
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
def randomize_colors(material, color_nodes_names):
""" Randomize RGB nodes for the given Blender material """
# apply colors in target material
# naive way to generate multiple colors (as there is no guarantee of enough difference)
for i, color_nodes_name in enumerate(color_nodes_names):
rand_rgb = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1., size=3)
rand_rgb = np.append(rand_rgb, 1.)
material.node_tree.nodes[color_nodes_name].outputs[0].default_value = tuple(rand_rgb)
def randomize_plain_pattern():
material =["plain"]
randomize_colors(material, ["RGB"])
def randomize_striped_pattern():
material =["striped"]
wave_texture = material.node_tree.nodes["Wave Texture"]
wave_texture.inputs[1].default_value = np.random.uniform(low=2, high=12) # rand scale
wave_texture.bands_direction = np.random.choice(['Y', 'X']) # rand bands direction
randomize_colors(material, ["RGB", "RGB.001"])
def randomize_floral_pattern(texture_img_paths):
material =["floral"]
# load random texture image
image =
material.node_tree.nodes["Image Texture"].image = image
# rand texture scale
rand_scale = np.random.uniform(low=1.5, high=8)
material.node_tree.nodes["Mapping"].inputs[3].default_value[0] = rand_scale
material.node_tree.nodes["Mapping"].inputs[3].default_value[1] = rand_scale
material.node_tree.nodes["Mapping"].inputs[3].default_value[2] = rand_scale
randomize_colors(material, ["RGB"])
randomize_floral_pattern(['list', 'of', 'floral', 'image-paths'])
import bpy
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform
def randomize_world(bg_strength_range):
""" Randomize World settings """
world =["World"].node_tree
# random world color value
world_rgba = uniform(low=0, high=1, size=3)
world_rgba = np.append(world_rgba, 1.)
world.nodes["RGB"].outputs[0].default_value = world_rgba
# random world background strength
rand_bg = uniform(low=bg_strength_range[0], high=bg_strength_range[1])
world.nodes["Background"].inputs[1].default_value = rand_bg
randomize_world(bg_strength_range=[0.2, 0.4])
import bpy
from datetime import datetime
def render_still(filepath: str, file_format='PNG'):
""" Render a still frame for the current Blender scene """
bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = filepath
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = file_format
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