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Created July 11, 2018 20:16
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Snippet for working with Unity ECS
// Place your snippets for csharp here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
"Protected Override": {
"prefix": "po",
"body": [
"protected override $0",
"Native Array Kit": {
"prefix": "naark",
"body": [
"NativeArray<int> $0naar;",
"protected override void OnCreateManager(int capacity)",
" naar = new NativeArray<int>(1, Allocator.Persistent);",
"protected override void OnDestroyManager()",
" naar.Dispose();",
"On Create - Destroy": {
"prefix": "oncredes",
"body": [
"protected override void OnCreateManager(int capacity)",
"protected override void OnDestroyManager()",
"Native Array": {
"prefix": "naar",
"body": [
"NativeArray<int> $0naar;",
"naar = new NativeArray<int>(1, Allocator.Persistent);",
"Job PCD": {
"prefix": "jobpcd",
"body": [
"protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)",
" var job = new Job()",
" {",
" };",
" return job.Schedule(this, inputDeps);",
"struct Job : IJobProcessComponentData<$0>",
" public void Execute(ref )",
" {",
" }",
"Job Parallel For": {
"prefix": "jobpara",
"body": [
"protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)",
" var job = new Job()",
" {",
" };",
" return job.Schedule(len, 1, inputDeps);",
"struct Job : IJobParallelFor",
" public void Execute(int i)",
" {$0",
" }",
"Job": {
"prefix": "job",
"body": [
"protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)",
" var job = new Job()",
" {",
" };",
" return job.Schedule(inputDeps);",
"struct Job : IJob",
" public void Execute()",
" {$0",
" }",
"Using Job": {
"prefix": "usejob",
"body": [
"using Unity.Entities;",
"using Unity.Mathematics;",
"using Unity.Collections;",
"using Unity.Jobs;",
"using UnityEngine.Experimental.PlayerLoop;",
"Debug Log": {
"prefix": "dbl",
"body": [
"Read Only Component Data Array": {
"prefix": "rocda",
"body": [
"[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataArray<$0> datas;"
"Read Only Shared Component Data Array": {
"prefix": "roscda",
"body": [
"[ReadOnly] public SharedComponentDataArray<$0> datas;"
"Subtractive Component": {
"prefix": "subt",
"body": [
"[ReadOnly] public SubtractiveComponent<$0> no;"
"Write Only Component Data Array": {
"prefix": "wocda",
"body": [
"[WriteOnly] public ComponentDataArray<$0> datas;"
"Component Data Array": {
"prefix": "cda",
"body": [
"public ComponentDataArray<$0> datas;"
"Read Only Component Array": {
"prefix": "roca",
"body": [
"[ReadOnly] public ComponentArray<$0> components;"
"Write Only Component Array": {
"prefix": "woca",
"body": [
"[WriteOnly] public ComponentArray<$0> components;"
"Component Array": {
"prefix": "ca",
"body": [
"public ComponentArray<$0> components;"
"Injection Group": {
"prefix": "injectgroup",
"body": [
"struct InjectedGroup ",
"[Inject] InjectedGroup injectedGroup;",
"Entity Array": {
"prefix": "ea",
"body": [
"[ReadOnly] public EntityArray entities;",
"Length": {
"prefix": "len",
"body": [
"public readonly int Length;",
"Group Index": {
"prefix": "groupindex",
"body": [
"public readonly int GroupIndex;",
"Readonly Public": {
"prefix": "rop",
"body": [
"[ReadOnly] public $0",
"Entity Command Buffer": {
"prefix": "enticom",
"body": [
"public EntityCommandBuffer command;",
"Barrier System": {
"prefix": "barr",
"body": [
"public class Barrier$0 : BarrierSystem { }",
"[Inject] Barrier barrier;",
"Get Barrier into a job": {
"prefix": "combar",
"body": [
"command = barrier.CreateCommandBuffer(),",
"Update Before": {
"prefix": "ubf",
"body": [
"Update After": {
"prefix": "uaf",
"body": [
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