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Created March 30, 2015 00:31
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gmpxx.h>
#define ROUNDS 0x1333337
using namespace std;
mpz_class A, B, C, P, _A, _2;
mpz_class BASE, FIELD;
class EF {
mpz_class u, v;
EF(const EF& o) {
u = o.u;
v = o.v;
mpz_class F(mpz_class x) {
return (((A * x) + B) * x + C) % P;
mpz_class T(mpz_class x) {
return ((x * A) + B / 2) % P;
mpz_class _T(mpz_class x) {
return (x - B / 2) * _A % P;
EF mul(const EF &a, const EF &b) {
EF c();
c.u = (a.u * b.u + a.v * b.v % P * FIELD) % P;
c.v = (a.u * b.v + a.v * b.u) % P;
return c;
void mul1(EF &a, const EF &b) {
mpz_class u = a.u, v = a.v;
a.u = (u * b.u + v * b.v % P * FIELD) % P;
a.v = (u * b.v + v * b.u) % P;
void mul2(EF &a) {
mpz_class v = a.u * a.v * 2 % P;
a.u = (a.u * a.u + a.v * a.v % P * FIELD) % P;
a.v = v;
EF pow(EF x, mpz_class n) {
EF r;
r.u = 1; r.v = 0;;
while (n > 0) {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
//r = mul(r, x);
mul1(r, x);
n >>= 1;
//x = mul(x, x);
return r;
mpz_class pow(mpz_class x, long long n, mpz_class mod) {
mpz_class r = 1;
while (n) {
if (n & 1)
r = r * x % mod;
n >>= 1;
x = x * x % mod;
return r;
mpz_class G(mpz_class k, long long n) {
if (!n) return k;
FIELD = (k * k - 4) % P;
EF x1, x2;
x1.u = k * _2 % P;
x1.v = _2;
x2.u = x1.u;
x2.v = (P - 1) * _2 % P;
mpz_class n_ = pow(2, n - 1, P * P - 1);
EF xn1 = pow(x1, n_);
EF xn2 = pow(x2, n_);
//assert((xn1.v + xn2.v) % P == 0);
return (xn1.u + xn2.u) % P;
uint32_t tail(mpz_class x) {
x = x % BASE;
return x.get_ui();
int main() {
A = "645355246";
B = "17587344665267433444";
C = "16443808597681565772";
P = "571787215471557516425591";
_A = "111736845616070530385698";
_2 = "285893607735778758212796";
BASE = 0xffffffff;
BASE = BASE + 1;
mpz_class x = 12321;
cout << F(F(x)) << endl;
cout << _T(G(T(x), 3)) << endl;
FILE *f = fopen("flag.enc", "r");
if (f == NULL) {
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t l = ftell(f);
uint32_t *plain = (uint32_t *)new char[l + 1];
uint32_t *cipher = (uint32_t *)new char[l + 1];
fread(cipher, 1, l, f);
printf("FILE SIZE: %lu\n", l);
uint32_t check = cipher[0] ^ 1718903600LL;
memset(plain, 0, sizeof(char) * (l + 1));
//int i = 0x18acf1L;
for (int i = 0; i < 0x200000; i++) {
if (i % 0x1000 == 0) printf("now 0x%x\n", i);
mpz_class x = i;
x = _T(G(T(i), ROUNDS + 1));
//cout << x << endl;
x = F(x);
//cout << x << endl;
if (tail(x) != check) continue ;
for (int j = 0; 4 * j < l; j++) {
plain[j] = cipher[j] ^ tail(x);
//printf("%08x %08x %08x\n", cipher[j], tail(x), plain[j]);
x = F(x);
cout << FIELD << endl;
puts((const char *)plain);
return 0;
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