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Created April 21, 2016 15:54
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Original from
# Original Download link:
# changes by 5nafu
def die(message):
import sys
import optparse
import json
from getpass import getpass
import pygraphviz as pgv
except ImportError:
die("Please install pygraphviz (in debian: python-pygraphviz)")
from restkit import Resource, BasicAuth
except ImportError:
die("Please install restkit (in debian: python-restkit)")
# Using REST is pretty simple. The vast majority of this code is about the "other stuff": dealing with
# command line options, formatting graphviz, calling Google Charts, etc. The actual JIRA REST-specific code
# is only about 5 lines.
def fetcher_factory(url, auth):
""" This factory will create the actual method used to fetch issues from JIRA. This is really just a closure that saves us having
to pass a bunch of parameters all over the place all the time. """
def get_issue(key):
""" Given an issue key (i.e. JRA-9) return the JSON representation of it. This is the only place where we deal
with JIRA's REST API. """
print('Fetching ' + key)
# we need to expand subtasks and links since that's what we care about here.
resource = Resource(url + ('/rest/api/latest/issue/%s' % key), filters=[auth])
response = resource.get(headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
if response.status_int == 200:
# Not all resources will return 200 on success. There are other success status codes. Like 204. We've read
# the documentation for though and know what to expect here.
issue = json.loads(response.body_string())
return issue
return None
return get_issue
def build_graph_data(start_issue_key, get_issue):
""" Given a starting image key and the issue-fetching function build up the GraphViz data representing relationships
between issues. This will consider both subtasks and issue links.
def get_key(issue):
return issue['key']
# since the graph can be cyclic we need to prevent infinite recursion
seen = []
def walk(issue_key, graph):
""" issue is the JSON representation of the issue """
issue = get_issue(issue_key)
except Exception:
print("Could not get issue:", issue_key)
children = []
fields = issue['fields']
if fields.get('customfield_10951'):
epickey = fields['customfield_10951']
if (epickey, get_key(issue)) not in graph.edges():
graph.add_edge(epickey, get_key(issue), color='red', label='epic')
if 'subtasks' in fields:
for subtask in issue['fields']['subtasks']:
if (get_key(issue), get_key(subtask)) not in graph.edges():
graph.add_edge(get_key(issue), get_key(subtask), color='blue', label='subtask', penwidth='0.5')
if 'issuelinks' in fields:
for link in issue['fields']['issuelinks']:
if 'outwardIssue' in link:
if (get_key(issue), get_key(link['outwardIssue'])) not in graph.edges():
graph.add_edge(get_key(issue), get_key(link['outwardIssue']), label=link['type']['outward'])
if 'inwardIssue' in link:
if (get_key(link['inwardIssue']), get_key(issue)) not in graph.edges():
graph.add_edge(get_key(link['inwardIssue']), get_key(issue), label=link['type']['outward'])
# now construct graph data for all subtasks and links of this issue
for child in (x for x in children if x not in seen):
walk(child, graph)
return graph
graph = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True)
graph.graph_attr['label'] = 'Dependency Graph for %s' % start_issue_key
graph.add_node(start_issue_key, color='red', penwidth='2.0')
graph = walk(start_issue_key, graph)
return graph
def create_local_graph_image(graph, image_file):
print('Writing to ' + image_file)
def parse_args():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-u', '--user', dest='user', default='admin', help='Username to access JIRA')
parser.add_option('-p', '--password', dest='password', help='Password to access JIRA')
parser.add_option('-j', '--jira', dest='jira_url', default='', help='JIRA Base URL')
parser.add_option('-f', '--file', dest='image_file', default='issue_graph.svg', help='Filename to write image to')
return parser.parse_args()
def get_password():
return getpass("Please enter the Jira Password:")
if __name__ == '__main__':
(options, args) = parse_args()
# Basic Auth is usually easier for scripts like this to deal with than Cookies.
auth = BasicAuth(options.user, options.password or get_password())
issue_fetcher = fetcher_factory(options.jira_url, auth)
if len(args) != 1:
die('Must specify exactly one issue key. (e.g. JRADEV-1107, JRADEV-1391)')
start_issue_key = args[0]
graph = build_graph_data(start_issue_key, issue_fetcher)
create_local_graph_image(graph, options.image_file)
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