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Last active December 17, 2018 15:43
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newtype Face = Face { getFace :: Polygon }
newtype Box = Box { getBox :: [Face] }
drawFace face = do
brightness <- getRandomR (0.4,0.6)
cairo $ do
draw (getFace face)
setSourceHsv (HSV 0 0 brightness) *> fillPreserve
setSourceHsv (HSV 0 0 0) *> stroke
drawRandomBoxIn :: ContainsPoints shape => shape -> P -> P -> Generate ()
drawRandomBoxIn shape vp1 vp2 = do
point <- genPointIn shape
lerp1 <- getRandomR (0.05,0.15)
lerp2 <- getRandomR (0.05,0.15)
height = 20
isUpper = point ^. _y < 50
isLower = point ^. _y > 60
midLine = LineSegment point bottomPoint
ls1 = LineSegment vp1 point
ls2 = LineSegment vp2 point
bottomPoint = point - V2 0 height
lsb1 = LineSegment vp1 bottomPoint
lsb2 = LineSegment vp2 bottomPoint
vPoint1 = lerpSegment lerp1 ls1
vPoint2 = lerpSegment lerp2 ls2
vs1 = clipIntersection (LineSegment vPoint1 (vPoint1 - V2 0 height)) lsb1
vs2 = clipIntersection (LineSegment vPoint2 (vPoint2 - V2 0 height)) lsb2
| isUpper = Just $ LineSegment (lineStart vs1) vp2
| isLower = Just $ LineSegment (lineEnd vs1) vp2
| otherwise = Nothing
| isUpper = Just $ LineSegment (lineStart vs2) vp1
| isLower = Just $ LineSegment (lineEnd vs2) vp1
| otherwise = Nothing
opIntersectionPoint = case (op1,op2) of
(Just seg1, Just seg2) -> segmentIntersectionPoint seg1 seg2
_ -> Nothing
faces = catMaybes
[ Just . Face . Polygon $ [point, vPoint1, lineEnd vs1, bottomPoint]
, Just . Face . Polygon $ [point, vPoint2, lineEnd vs2, bottomPoint]
, flip fmap opIntersectionPoint $ \pt ->
Face . Polygon $ if isLower then
[bottomPoint, lineEnd vs1, pt, lineEnd vs2]
else [point, vPoint1, pt, vPoint2]
for_ faces drawFace
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