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Created May 4, 2018 15:19
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newtype JSONB a = JSONB { unJSONB :: a }
( Generic
, Eq
, Foldable
, Functor
, Ord
, Read
, Show
, Traversable
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (JSONB a) where
toJSON (JSONB a) = toJSON a
toEncoding (JSONB a) = toEncoding a
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (JSONB a) where
parseJSON = fmap JSONB . parseJSON
instance (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => PersistFieldSql (JSONB a) where
sqlType _ = SqlOther "JSONB"
instance (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => PersistField (JSONB a) where
toPersistValue = toPersistValueJSON
fromPersistValue = fromPersistValueJSON
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