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Created November 13, 2013 17:04
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token hiding (parens)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding (not)
data Expr = Not Expr | And Expr Expr | Or Expr Expr | Var Char | SubExpr Expr deriving Eq
not :: Expr -> Expr
not (Not e) = e
not (And e1 e2) = Or (not e1) (not e2)
not (Or e1 e2) = And (not e1) (not e2)
not (Var c) = Not (Var c)
not (SubExpr e) = not e
instance Show Expr where
show (Not e) = "NOT " ++ show e
show (And e1 e2) = show e1 ++ " AND " ++ show e2
show (Or e1 e2) = show e1 ++ " OR " ++ show e2
show (Var c) = [c]
show (SubExpr e) = "(" ++ show e ++ ")"
parseExpr :: String -> Either ParseError Expr
parseExpr = parse expr ""
where expr = buildExpressionParser operators term <?> "compound expression"
term = parens expr <|> variable <?> "full expression"
operators = [ [Prefix (string "NOT" >> spaces >> return Not)]
, [binary "AND" And]
, [binary "OR" Or] ]
where binary n c = Infix (string n *> spaces *> pure c) AssocLeft
variable = Var <$> (letter <* spaces) <?> "variable"
parens p = SubExpr <$> (char '(' *> spaces *> p <* char ')' <* spaces) <?> "parens"
main = mapM_ printNotExpr . lines =<< readFile "inputs.txt"
where printNotExpr e = case parseExpr e of
Right x -> print $ not x
Left e -> error $ show e
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@5outh awesome!

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man haskell is cool!

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Shouldn't line 17 be:

not (SubExpr e) = SubExpr $ not e

otherwise invalid trees may arise, e.g. try

(a AND b) OR (c AND d)

as input.

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alogic0 commented Feb 16, 2016

To compile with GHC 7.10.2, I just added the next line at the beginning:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

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The problem pointed out by sandermak could be fixed either by his suggestion or by changing the Show instance to define showsPrec instead of show as done in my fork

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