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Last active August 17, 2018 12:49
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Bots2 Clone
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified System.Random as R
import Lens.Family2
import Lens.Family2.Stock
import Lens.Family2.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay)
data Bot = Bot
{ _name :: String
, _str :: Int
, _dex :: Int
, _con :: Int
, _hp :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
name :: Lens' Bot String
str, dex, con, hp :: Lens' Bot Int
name k (Bot nm s d c h) = fmap (\nm' -> Bot nm' s d c h) (k nm)
str k (Bot nm s d c h) = fmap (\s' -> Bot nm s' d c h) (k s )
dex k (Bot nm s d c h) = fmap (\d' -> Bot nm s d' c h) (k d )
con k (Bot nm s d c h) = fmap (\c' -> Bot nm s d c' h) (k c )
hp k (Bot nm s d c h) = fmap (\h' -> Bot nm s d c h') (k h )
type Event = (Int, Bool, Bool)
type BotState = (R.StdGen, (Bot, Bot))
generator :: Lens' BotState R.StdGen
generator = _1
player :: Lens' BotState Bot
player = _2._1
enemy :: Lens' BotState Bot
enemy = _2._2
genEvent :: Bot -> StateT R.StdGen IO Event
genEvent bot = do
[n, m, r] <- replicateM 3 $ state (R.randomR (0, 100))
let dodge = n < 100 * bot^.dex `div` (bot^.dex + 50)
block = m < 100 * bot^.con `div` (bot^.con + 30)
dmg = bot^.str + (bot^.str * r) `div` 30
return (dmg, dodge, block)
genEventPair :: StateT BotState IO (Event, Event)
genEventPair = do
p <- use player
e <- use enemy
zoom generator $ liftM2 switchDmgs (genEvent p) (genEvent e)
switchDmgs (a, b, c) (d, e, f) = ( (d, b, c), (a, e, f) )
resolve :: (Monad m) => Event -> StateT Bot m ()
resolve (dmg, ddg, blk)
| ddg = return ()
| blk = hp -= dmg `div` 2
| otherwise = hp -= dmg
resolveEvent :: (Monad m) => (Event, Event) -> StateT BotState m [(Bot, Event)]
resolveEvent (p_evt, e_evt) = do
zoom player (resolve p_evt)
zoom enemy (resolve e_evt)
p <- use player
e <- use enemy
return [(p, p_evt), (e, e_evt)]
printEvent :: Bot -> Event -> IO ()
printEvent bot (_, True, _) = putStrLn $ bot^.name ++ " dodges the attack and takes no damage!"
printEvent bot (d, _, True) = putStrLn $ bot^.name ++ " blocks and takes half (" ++ show (d `div` 2) ++ ") damage!"
printEvent bot (d, _, _) = putStrLn $ bot^.name ++ " takes " ++ show d ++ " damage."
printBot :: Bot -> IO ()
printBot bot = putStrLn $ bot^.name ++ " has " ++ show (bot^.hp) ++ " hp remaining."
dead :: Bot -> Bool
dead = (<= 0) . view hp
printGame :: Consumer [(Bot, Event)] (StateT BotState IO) ()
printGame = do
botEvents@[(b1, e1), (b2, e2)] <- await
lift $ lift $ do
forM_ botEvents $ \be@(bot, event) -> do
uncurry printEvent be
printBot bot
threadDelay 500000
when (dead bot) $ putStrLn $ bot^.name ++ " died!"
putStrLn $ case (dead b1, dead b2) of
(True , True ) -> "It was a tie!"
(True , False) -> b2^.name ++ " wins!"
(False, True ) -> b1^.name ++ " wins!"
_ -> "-----------------"
unless (any (dead . fst) botEvents) printGame
runGame :: IO ()
runGame = do
gen <- R.getStdGen
let player = Bot "The Good Guy" 10 13 12 300
enemy = Bot "The Bad Guy" 14 6 10 200
startState = (gen, (player, enemy))
flip evalStateT startState $
runEffect $ lift (genEventPair >>= resolveEvent) >~ printGame
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