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Created May 17, 2014 19:30
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  • Save 5shekel/0602be7cc102479b4c84 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 5shekel/0602be7cc102479b4c84 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ATMEL ATTINY85 running @ 8MHz / ARDUINO **Zvi Schneider 12-May-2014**
// +----\/---+
// ADC0, PB5, 1|* |8 VCC
// ADC3, PB3, 2| |7 PB2, ADC1
// ADC2, PB4, 3| |6 PB1,
// GND 4| |5 PB0,
// +---------+
#define my_milisec 76 // 76 interrupts equal 1 mili-sec (approximatly)
#define interval 100 //100 mili-sec interval between repetetive code transmitions
volatile long interrups_counter = 0;
byte virtual_wall = B10100010; // ROOMAs virtual wall code
int one_milisec = my_milisec;
int three_milisec = my_milisec * 3;
ISR (TIM0_COMPA_vect) { // interrupt service routine
interrups_counter +=1;
void setup(){
TCNT0 = 0; //initialize timer0 registers
TCCR0A |=(1<<COM0A0); //Timer0 in toggle mode (Table 11-2)
TCCR0A |=(1<<WGM01); //Timer0 in CTC mode (Table 11.5)
TCCR0B |= (1 << CS00);// Prescaler (table 11.6, no prescaling)
OCR0A=105-1; //CTC Compare value. with 8MHz clock and no prescaling this value will give interrupt every 13.125 micro-sec
TIMSK |= 1<<OCIE0A; //enable timer0 OCR0A interrups
SREG |= B10000000; //enable interrups
void loop(){
while (interrups_counter < my_milisec*interval){ //wait interval miliseconds
interrups_counter = 0;
xmitbyte(virtual_wall); //send one byte command to the ROOMBA
void xmitbyte(byte xmitdata){
int i;
int mark;
int space;
byte shift_one = B10000000;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
if (xmitdata & shift_one){
mark = three_milisec;
space = one_milisec;
else {
mark = one_milisec;
space = three_milisec;
pinMode(PB0, OUTPUT); // mark, transmit IR pulses
while (interrups_counter < mark){
interrups_counter = 0;
pinMode(PB0, INPUT); // space, do not transmit IR pulses
while (interrups_counter < space){
interrups_counter = 0;
shift_one = shift_one >> 1;
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