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Last active November 19, 2021 20:05
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Cummulative number of R packages on CRAN
#!R --vanilla
## original idea & report by Henrik Bengtsson at
## some code borrowed from:
# Step 1: get the current or active versions of the packages
## Check if output file exists:
arch <- "R-package-list-current.rds"
if (file.exists(arch)) {
current_pkgs <- readRDS(file=arch)
} else {
urldir <- ""
# urldir <- "" # Mirrors appear to have a different listing structure :(
# Read html file as a text file from url, then filter lines with compressed files (assumed to be packages)
flat_html <- readLines(urldir)
tar_list <- flat_html %>% grep("tar.gz",.,value=T) %>% gsub("> 2","> 2",.) ## fix one very long package name...
## get package name and version from file name
raw_list <- tar_list %>% str_trim %>% str_split("[:blank:]{2,}",simplify=T)
raw_names <- unname(sapply(raw_list[,1],function(x) html_text(read_html(x)))) %>%
gsub(".tar.gz","",.) %>% str_trim %>% str_split("_",simplify=T)
# put everything together in a tibble and save to RDS
current_pkgs <- tibble(name=raw_names[,1],version=raw_names[,2],last_modified=as.POSIXct(raw_list[,2]))
# Step 2: get the archive versions of the packages
## Check if output file exists, if not, initiate a tibble to store the data
arch <- "R-package-list-archive.rds"
if (file.exists(arch)) {
archive_pkgs <- readRDS(file=arch)
} else {
archive_pkgs <- tibble()
# We will need to get into each folder (packages) to download the list of compressed files (versions)
urldir <- ""
pkg_dirs <- read_html(urldir) %>% html_nodes("a") %>% html_text()
pkg_dirs <- grep("/$",pkg_dirs,value=T)
# In case of resuming from an interrupted/incomplete loop, we can skip packages already in the tibble:
pkg_dirs <- pkg_dirs[!gsub("/$","",pkg_dirs) %in% archive_pkgs$name]
for (j in sample(pkg_dirs)) { # sample, because everybody needs some randomness in their lives ...
raw_list <- try(readLines(sprintf("%s/%s",urldir,j)))
if (any(class(raw_list) %in% "try-error")) { ## skip in case of error downloading the list
cat(sprintf("error with directory %s...\n",j))
} else {
# do the same as above, but for each directory
raw_list %<>%
grep("tar.gz",.,value=T) %>%
gsub("> ([0-9])","> \\1",.) %>% str_trim %>% str_split("[:blank:]{2,}",simplify=T)
raw_names <- unname(sapply(raw_list[,1],function(x) html_text(read_html(x)))) %>%
gsub(".tar.gz","",.) %>% str_trim %>% str_split("_",simplify=T)
archive_pkgs %<>% bind_rows(tibble(name=raw_names[,1],version=raw_names[,2],last_modified=as.POSIXct(raw_list[,2])))
# Step 3: read files and make the plot
if (!exists("archive_pkgs"))
archive_pkgs <- readRDS(file='R-package-list-archive.rds')
if (!exists("current_pkgs"))
current_pkgs <- readRDS(file='R-package-list-current.rds')
# combine tibbles, group and summarise to get information on each package:
pkg_history <- archive_pkgs %>% bind_rows(current_pkgs) %>% group_by(name) %>% summarise(n_versions=n_distinct(version),first=min(last_modified),last=max(last_modified)) %>% arrange(first) %>% mutate(index=vctrs::vec_group_id(first))
# Select colors for the plot
clrs <- brewer.pal(6,"Paired")
# assemble plot elements
ggplot(pkg_history, aes(as.Date(first), index)) +
geom_line(size = 2,col=clrs[1]) +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = '5 year', date_labels = '%Y') +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 20000, 1500)) + # or: # scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') +
xlab('') + ylab('') + theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = clrs[2]), plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = clrs[6])) +
labs(title='Cummulative number of R packages published on CRAN') -> our_plot
# Optional: highlight some packages, for example spatial packages
selected_packages <- pkg_history %>% filter(name %in% c("sf","raster","sp",'rgee') | grepl("GRASS|grass|gdal|spatial|spat|geo|maps|leaflet|mapbox|plotly|proj4",name))
selection <- c('sgeostat','GRASS','geoR','spatstat','rgdal','sp','rgee', 'raster','sf','leaflet','mapboxapi','plotly')
selected_packages %>% filter(name %in% selection) -> highlighted_packages
our_plot +
labs(subtitle=sprintf("ca. %s (geo)spatial packages!",nrow(selected_packages))) +
geom_rug(data=selected_packages,aes(as.Date(first)),color=clrs[5],sides="b") +
label=name, angle=if_else(index<1500,45,0)),
# Finally, save the last plot here:
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jrfep commented Nov 19, 2021

This is an example of the output plot:

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