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Created January 13, 2016 17:53
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Task `customJS`
* Task: customJS
* Concatenate and uglify custom JS scripts.
* This task does the following:
* 1. Gets the source folder for JS custom files
* 2. Concatenates all the files and generates custom.js
* 3. Renames the JS file with suffix .min.js
* 4. Uglifes/Minifies the JS file and generates custom.min.js
gulp.task( 'customJS', function() {
gulp.src( jsCustomSRC )
.pipe( concat( jsCustomFile + '.js' ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( jsCustomDestination ) )
.pipe( rename( {
basename: jsCustomFile,
suffix: '.min'
.pipe( uglify() )
.pipe( gulp.dest( jsCustomDestination ) )
.pipe( notify( { message: 'TASK: "customJs" Completed!', onLast: true } ) );
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