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Last active February 21, 2022 16:27
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IntelliJ IDEA Receipts

Examples of Structural Search and Replace (IntelliJ IDEA 2017)

Use case 1 (Search)

Find all *DTO classes, that have a (at least one) public field that is neither @ApiModelProperty, nor a @JsonIgnore

  1. Open Edit->Find->Search structurally

  2. Paste this into Search template field:

    class $Class$ {
        @$FieldAnnotation$ public $type$ $field$;
  3. Click Edit Variables:

    1. for variable Class: provide a regex for a class name: .+DTO
    2. for variable FieldAnnotation:
      • Text/regexp: ApiModelProperty|JsonIgnore
      • Minimum count/Maximum count: 0/0
  4. Choose Scope (see here to define a scope)

  5. Click Find

  6. If you're happy with results, click Save Template... and provide a template name

Use case 2 (Search)

Find all *DTO classes that do not implement toString()

  1. Open Edit->Find->Search structurally

  2. Paste this into Search template field:

    class $className$ { 
        public String $methodName$ ();
  3. Click Edit Variables:

    1. for variable Class: provide a regex for a class name: .+DTO
    2. for variable methodName:
      • Text/regexp: toString
      • Minimum count/Maximum count: 0/0
  4. Choose Scope (see here to define a scope)

  5. Click Find

  6. If you're happy with results, click Save Template... and provide a template name

Use case 3 (Replace)

Refactor string literals in some context into using enum constants instead

  1. Open Edit->Find->Replace structurally

  2. Paste this into Search template field:

  3. Paste this into Replace template field:

    map.put(FieldNames.$ENUMFIELD$, "$a$");
  4. Click Edit variables:

    1. for variable ENUMFIELD, provide Script text as follows:

      import static as LOWER_CAMEL
      import static as UPPER_UNDERSCORE
   , field.getInnerText())
    2. Click OK

  5. Click Find

  6. Check validity of the results and replace when necessary

Use case 4 (Replace)

Remove public access specifier on methods annotated with Test

  1. Open Edit->Find->Replace structurally
  2. Paste this into Search field:
        public void $MethodName$(@mockit.Injectable $ParameterType$ $Parameter$) {
  3. Choose file type: Java - Class Member
  4. Add filter for MethodAnnotation variable: Text=org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
  5. Add Min=0 for statement and Parameter variables
  6. Paste this into Replace field:
        void $MethodName$(@Injectable $ParameterType$ $Parameter$) {
    (mind the indentation, otherwise it will be screwed!)
  7. Select Complete match value for Search target
  8. Find

NB: for some reason, I could not make it "parameter annotation" agnostic... that's why @Injectable annotation is hardcoded in the template

How to define a scope

  1. On a Structural Search window, click on ellipsis ... button next to Scope combobox
  2. Click + button (Add Scope) or press Ins
  3. In order to include only specific folder (with subfolders) in a search, put a construction into Pattern field:
    • file[modulename]:src/main/java/com/my/package//*

How to use saved templates

  1. Open Edit->Find->Search structurally
  2. Click Existing templates
  3. Select necessary template and click OK
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