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Created August 28, 2013 19:06
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i needed to connect to a juniper network connect vpn, but i didn't know the exact format of username, realm, hostname, and i wasn't sure exactly which password. this script uses Pexpect to try all combinations until it works.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# must be run from your ~/.juniper_networks otherwise you get:
# Failed to load the ncui library.\nQuitting.
# see also
import pexpect
import time
from itertools import product
hosts = ['']
users = ['youruser' , '..']
realms = ['-r foo', ..]
passes = ['']
error_104 = 'ncapp> Failed to connect/authenticate with IVE. Error 104'
error_hostname = 'Error unable to resolve host'
def test(combo):
host = combo[0]
user = combo[1]
realm = combo[2]
passw = combo[3]
cmd = "/opt/bin32-jre/bin/java -jar NC.jar -h %s -u %s -f <key>.der %s -L 5" % (host, user, realm)
print "TESTING", cmd
child = pexpect.spawn (cmd)
child.expect ('Password:')
child.sendline (passw)
index = child.expect([error_104, pexpect.EOF, error_hostname])
if index == 0:
print error_104
elif index == 1:
print 'DUNNO!! what happend. output:'
print child.before
elif index == 2:
print error_hostname
for i, combo in enumerate(product(hosts, users, realms, passes)):
print "TESTING %i" % i, combo
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