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Created August 29, 2018 13:44
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fresh block
license: mit
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
consulta = d3.json("");
d3 = require("d3");
const svg =, height));
const x = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(consulta, d=> d.censo)])
.range([0, width])
const rects = svg.selectAll(".bar")
.data(consulta.sort( (a,b) => d3.descending(a.censo, b.censo)) );
.attr("class", "bar")
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", (d,i, ds) => i*10)
.attr("width", d => x(d.censo))
.attr("height", 9)
.style("fill", "steelblue");
const texts = svg.selectAll(".label")
.data(consulta.sort( (a,b) => d3.descending(a.censo, b.censo)) );
.attr("class", "label")
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", (d,i, ds) => i*10)
.text( d=> d.municipio)
// .attr("width", d => x(d.censo))
// .attr("height", 9)
.style("fill", "#333")
.style("font-size", "6pt")
.style("font-family", "sans-serif");
//return svg.node();
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