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Last active May 4, 2020 23:39
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Xinshijia NetViewer_DN.exe application network protocol specification (default port 9000)
id: xsj_netviewer
file-extension: xsj_netviewer
endian: be
- id: netviewer_packet
type: netviewer_packet
repeat: eos
doc: >
port 9000
Xinshijia NetViewer_DN.exe application
Tested with 16ch Xinshijia DN8416 h264 dvr
- id: magic
type: u2
enum: protocols
- id: command_code
type: u2
enum: command_codes
doc: >
2 bytes, first - packet type, second - packet parameters,
for stream data parameter - channel number
- id: size
type: u4
- id: data
switch-on: command_code
'command_codes::ptz': ptz_request
'command_codes::search': search_request
'command_codes::login_resp': login_response
'command_codes::login': login_request
'command_codes::unknown_x6101_req': generic_req
'command_codes::disconnect_req': generic_req
'command_codes::data_ch00': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch01': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch02': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch03': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch04': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch05': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch06': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch07': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch08': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch09': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch10': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch11': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch12': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch13': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch14': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::data_ch15': data_channel_resp
'command_codes::keep_alive': generic_req
'command_codes::btn_archive_stop': generic_req
'command_codes::unknown_x0315_req': generic_req
'command_codes::get_settings_req': generic_req
'command_codes::unknown_x0704_req': generic_req
'command_codes::login_x02ff_req': login_request
'command_codes::search_resp': generic_resp
'command_codes::system_info': system_info
'command_codes::get_settings_resp': netviewer_settings
'command_codes::save_config': netviewer_settings
_: generic_resp
- id: channel
type: u4
- id: unknown
type: u4
- id: time
type: u4
- id: unknown1
type: u4
- id: unknown
type: u4
- id: unknown2
type: u8
- id: ptz_cmd_code
type: u2
enum: ptz_commands
- id: channel
type: u1
- id: unknown3
type: u1
- id: unknown
size: 3
- id: stream_id
type: u1
enum: streams
- id: username
size: 8
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
- id: password
type: strz
size: 8
encoding: ASCII
- id: response_code
type: u2le
enum: login_responses
- id: unknown1
type: u2
- id: version2
size: 4
- id: unknown22
type: u1
- id: cpu_model
type: u2
- id: mainboard_model
type: u2
- id: unknown3
type: u4
- id: channel_count
type: u1
- id: audio_channel_count
type: u1
- id: unknown4
size: 2
- id: timestamp
type: u4
doc: maybe server time
- id: unknown6
size: 8
- id: storage
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
size: 7
- id: unknown7
size: 38
- id: version1
size: 4
doc: maybe min NetViewer client version
- id: version2
size: 4
doc: maybe NetViewer client version
- id: unknown3
type: u1
- id: cpu_model
type: u2
- id: mainboard_model
type: u2
- id: unknown4
type: u4
- id: channel_count
type: u1
- id: audio_channel_count
type: u1
- id: unknown5
size: 2
- id: timestamp
type: u4
doc: maybe hdd format date
- id: unknown7
size: 8
- id: storage
size: 7
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
- id: unknown
type: u2
- id: sequence
type: u2
- id: unknown_mask
type: u4
- id: frame_id
type: u2
doc: 0 - initial frame, 1 - next
- id: unknown4
type: u1
- id: channel
type: u1
- id: magic
type: u2
- id: data
switch-on: magic
0x5471: event_data
_: generic_data
- id: command
enum: command_codes
type: u2
- id: size
type: u4be
- id: unknown01
size: 40
- id: frame_index
type: u1
- id: channel
type: u1
- id: unknown02
size: 5
- id: timestamp
type: u4le
- id: unknown1
size: 7
- id: stream_size
type: u4le
- id: unknown2
size: 54
- id: h264_data
size: _parent._parent.size - 144
- id: unknown
size: 39
- id: firmware_version
size: 32
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
- id: channel_settings
type: channel_settings
size: 540
repeat: expr
repeat-expr: 17
doc: >
last channel - all channel common settings
- id: unknown2
size: 57
- id: ip_mode
type: u1
enum: ip_modes
- id: server_port
type: u2le
doc: NetViewer port
- id: mobile_port
type: u2le
doc: OWSP app port
- id: web_port
type: u2le
- id: mac
size: 6
- id: ip
type: u4
- id: netmask
type: u4
- id: default_gateway
type: u4
- id: primary_dns
type: u4
- id: secondary_dns
type: u4
- id: unknown3
size: 1749
- id: ftp_server
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
size: 30
- id: unknown4
size: 20
- id: ftp_port
type: u2le
- id: ftp_username
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
size: 30
- id: unknown5
size: 20
- id: ftp_password
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
size: 30
- id: unknown6
size: 479
- id: channel
type: u1
- id: title
size: 8
type: strz
encoding: ASCII
- id: unknown
size: 17
- id: ptz_protocol
type: u1
enum: ptz_protocols
- id: ptz_address
type: u1
- id: unknown2
size: 1
- id: baudrate
type: u1
enum: baudrates
- id: contrast
type: u1
- id: brightness
type: u1
- id: hue
type: u1
- id: saturation
type: u1
- id: sharpness
type: u1
- id: motion
type: u1
enum: on_off_switch
- id: sensitivity
type: u1
- id: unknown3
size: 3
- id: motion_detection_matrix
type: motion_detection_matrix
size: 144
doc: >
matrix 22x18 bits
- id: unknown4
size: 144
doc: >
possible another matrix 22x18 bits
- id: buzzer_time
type: u1
- id: alarm_time
type: u1
- id: unknown5
type: u1
- id: fps
type: u1
- id: sub_fps
type: u1
- id: quality
type: u1
enum: quality
doc: video stream quality
- id: audio
type: u1
enum: on_off_switch
- id: record_mode
type: u1
enum: record_modes
- id: unknown7
size: 2
- id: record_bitrate
type: u1
enum: record_bitrates
- id: title_overlay
type: u1
enum: on_off_switch
- id: time_overlay
type: u1
enum: on_off_switch
- id: unknown8
size: 1
- id: post_rec_time
type: u1
- id: unknown9
type: u1
- id: record_schedule_matrix
type: record_schedule_matrix
size: 168
doc: >
matrix 24 x 7 (monday - first day)
- id: unknown10
size: 1
- id: rot_time
type: u1
- id: unknown11
size: 26
- id: detection_area
type: u4
doc: >
bit field, each row has 22 square sectors; one bit per sector
0 - no detection in sector
1 - detection in sector
FF FF FF 3f - detectiob within all row sectors from left to right
- id: unknown
size: 4
- id: rows
type: motion_detection_row
repeat: expr
repeat-expr: 18
- id: days
type: record_schedule_day
repeat: expr
repeat-expr: 7
- id: record_hour_settings
type: u1
enum: record_schedule_settings
repeat: expr
repeat-expr: 24
- id: data
size: _parent._parent.size - 22
- id: data
size: _parent.size
- id: data
size: _parent.size - 8
doc: >
size for req, size - 8 for resp
0x01: bps_50
0x02: bps_75
0x03: bps_110
0x04: bps_134
0x05: bps_150
0x06: bps_200
0x07: bps_300
0x08: bps_600
0x09: bps_1200
0x0a: bps_1800
0x0b: bps_2400
0x0c: bps_4800
0x0d: bps_9600
0x0e: bps_19200
0x0f: bps_38400
0x10: bps_57600
0x11: bps_115200
0x12: bps_230400
0: low
1: standard
2: high
3: highest
0: off
1: on
0: off
1: always
2: motion
3: sensor
4: schedule
0x00: cancel
0x01: always
0x02: motion
0x04: sensor
4: low
5: standard
6: high
7: highest
0: pelco_d
1: pelcod1
2: pelcod1_t
3: pelcod_t
4: pelcod_don
5: pelcod_s1
6: pelcod_s
7: pelco_p
8: pelcop1
9: pelcop5
10: pelcop_hk
11: ad1641m
12: admatrix
13: banknote
14: dh_cc440
15: dh_matrix
16: dh_sd1
17: dh_sd2
18: eptz
19: haiyu
20: hy
21: lilin
22: mercer_1
23: panasonic
24: pe5051k
25: pelco_9750
26: pelcoascii
27: philips
28: pih_717
29: qt_2xxd
30: rm110a
31: sae
32: samsung
33: sanli
34: santachi
35: sharp
36: sony
37: wv_cs850i
38: wv_cs850ii
39: wv_cs950
40: yaan
41: general
42: pelcod0
0x1001: audio_on
0x1101: audio_off
0x1104: unknown_x1104
0x3101: left
0x3201: right
0x3301: up
0x3401: down
0x3501: zoom_in
0x3601: zoom_out
0x3701: focus_out
0x3801: focus_in
0x3901: stop
0x4001: patrol
1: static
2: dhcp
0x0200: login
0x0201: login_resp
0x02ff: login_x02ff_req
0x0301: ptz
0x0315: unknown_x0315_req
0x0602: search
0x0704: disconnect_req
0x0901: get_settings_resp
0x0915: get_settings_req
0x0a01: save_config
0x1102: btn_archive_stop
0x6101: unknown_x6101_req
0x6200: data_ch00
0x6201: data_ch01
0x6202: data_ch02
0x6203: data_ch03
0x6204: data_ch04
0x6205: data_ch05
0x6206: data_ch06
0x6207: data_ch07
0x6208: data_ch08
0x6209: data_ch09
0x620a: data_ch10
0x620b: data_ch11
0x620c: data_ch12
0x620d: data_ch13
0x620e: data_ch14
0x620f: data_ch15
0x9171: btn_rec
0x9172: btn_stop
0xcbcb: keep_alive
0xcc03: system_info
0xee01: search_resp
0x02: login
0x03: ptz
0x06: search
0x07: disconnect
0x09: get_settings
0x0a: save_settings
0x11: btn_archive_stop
0x61: unknown_x6101
0x62: stream_data
0x91: control
0xcb: keep_alive
0xcc: system_info
0xee: search_results
0x0001: login_ok
0x00fe: bad_password
0x00ff: bad_username
0x00: main_stream
0x01: sub_stream
0x5471: proto_netviewer
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