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Created May 9, 2024 12:10
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print mma layout
/* makefile
render: build
./build/main > mma_tile.tex
xelatex --cnf-line=main_memory=12000000 --halt-on-error mma_tile.tex && rm -rf *.aux *.log *.out
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
.PHONY: build
#include "cute/tensor.hpp"
#include "cutlass/numeric_types.h"
void print_header() {
const char* latex_header =
"\\usepackage[a4paper, margin=0.5cm]{geometry}\n"
printf("%s", latex_header);
void print_footer() {
const char* latex_footer = "\\end{document}\n";
printf("%s", latex_footer);
// Copy from mma_atom.hpp
// Modified to remove printing header and footder, hence allows printing
// multiple MMAs per TEX file for easier comparisons.
template <class AtomLayoutMNK,
class ValLayoutMNK,
class PermutationsMNK,
class LayoutC, class ThrIDC,
class LayoutA, class ThrIDA,
class LayoutB, class ThrIDB>
print_mma(const char* name,
const AtomLayoutMNK& atom_layout_mnk,
const ValLayoutMNK& val_layout_mnk,
const PermutationsMNK& permutations_mnk,
LayoutC const& C, ThrIDC const& TC, // (m,n) -> (tid,vid) and tid -> thr_idx
LayoutA const& A, ThrIDA const& TA, // (m,k) -> (tid,vid) and tid -> thr_idx
LayoutB const& B, ThrIDB const& TB) { // (n,k) -> (tid,vid) and tid -> thr_idx
using namespace cute;
printf("\n%s\n\n", name);
printf(" AtomLayoutMNK: "); print(atom_layout_mnk); printf("\n");
printf(" ValLayoutMNK: "); print(val_layout_mnk); printf("\n");
printf("PermutationsMNK: "); print(permutations_mnk); printf("\n\n");
printf("LayoutC: "); print(C); printf("\n");
printf(" ThrIDC: "); print(TC); printf("\n");
printf("LayoutA: "); print(A); printf("\n");
printf(" ThrIDA: "); print(TA); printf("\n");
printf("LayoutB: "); print(B); printf("\n");
printf(" ThrIDB: "); print(TB); printf("\n");
// printf("\\begin{adjustbox}{max height=0.7\\textheight,max width=\\textwidth}%");
printf("\\begin{adjustbox}{max height=0.7\\textheight,max width=\\textwidth}\n");
".style={rectangle,draw=black,thick,minimum size=1cm,anchor=center}]\n\n");
char const* color_map[8] = {"{rgb,255:red,175;green,175;blue,255}",
// C starting at 0,0
for (int m = 0; m < size<0>(C); ++m) {
for (int n = 0; n < size<1>(C); ++n) {
int thrid = C(m,n) % size(TC);
int val_idx = C(m,n) / size(TC);
int thr_idx = TC(thrid);
printf("\\node[box,fill=%s] at (%d,%d) {\\shortstack{T%d \\\\ V%d}};\n",
color_map[thr_idx % 8],
m, n,
thr_idx, val_idx);
// A starting at 0,-size<1>(A)-1
for (int m = 0; m < size<0>(A); ++m) {
for (int k = 0; k < size<1>(A); ++k) {
int thrid = A(m,k) % size(TA);
int val_idx = A(m,k) / size(TA);
int thr_idx = TA(thrid);
printf("\\node[box,fill=%s] at (%d,%d) {\\shortstack{T%d \\\\ V%d}};\n",
color_map[thr_idx % 8],
m, k-1-size<1>(A),
thr_idx, val_idx);
// B starting at -size<1>(B)-1,0
for (int n = 0; n < size<0>(B); ++n) {
for (int k = 0; k < size<1>(B); ++k) {
int thrid = B(n,k) % size(TB);
int val_idx = B(n,k) / size(TB);
int thr_idx = TB(thrid);
printf("\\node[box,fill=%s] at (%d,%d) {\\shortstack{T%d \\\\ V%d}};\n",
color_map[thr_idx % 8],
k-1-size<1>(B), n,
thr_idx, val_idx);
// A labels
for (int m = 0, k = -1; m < size<0>(A); ++m) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", m, k-1-size<1>(A), m);
for (int k = 0, m = -1; k < size<1>(A); ++k) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", m, k-1-size<1>(A), k);
// B labels
for (int n = 0, k = -1; n < size<0>(B); ++n) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", k-1-size<1>(B), n, n);
for (int k = 0, n = -1; k < size<1>(B); ++k) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", k-1-size<1>(B), n, k);
template <class TiledCopy,
class LayoutS, class ThrIDS,
class LayoutD, class ThrIDD>
print_copy(const char* name,
TiledCopy& copy,
LayoutS const& S, ThrIDS const& TS, // (m,n) -> (tid,vid) and tid -> thr_idx
LayoutD const& D, ThrIDD const& TD) { // (m,n) -> (tid,vid) and tid -> thr_idx
using namespace cute;
CUTE_STATIC_ASSERT_V(rank(S) == Int<2>{});
CUTE_STATIC_ASSERT_V(rank(D) == Int<2>{});
assert(size<0>(S) == size<0>(D));
assert(size<1>(S) == size<1>(D));
printf("\n%s\n\n", name);
printf("LayoutCopy_TV: "); print(typename TiledCopy::TiledLayout_TV{}); printf("\n");
printf(" ShapeTile_MN: "); print(typename TiledCopy::Tiler_MN{}); printf("\n\n");
printf(" LayoutS: "); print(S); printf("\n");
printf(" ThrIDS: "); print(TS); printf("\n");
printf(" LayoutD: "); print(D); printf("\n");
printf(" ThrIDD: "); print(TD); printf("\n");
printf("\\begin{adjustbox}{max height=0.7\\textheight,max width=\\textwidth}\n");
".style={rectangle,draw=black,thick,minimum size=1cm,anchor=center}]\n\n");
char const* color_map[8] = {"{rgb,255:red,175;green,175;blue,255}",
// S starting at 0,0
for (int i = 0; i < size<0>(S); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < size<1>(S); ++j) {
int thrid = S(i,j) % size(TS);
int val_idx = S(i,j) / size(TS);
int thr_idx = TS(thrid);
printf("\\node[box,fill=%s] at (%d,%d) {\\shortstack{T%d \\\\ V%d}};\n",
color_map[thr_idx % 8],
i, j,
thr_idx, val_idx);
// D starting at 0,size<1>(S)+3
for (int i = 0; i < size<0>(D); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < size<1>(D); ++j) {
int thrid = D(i,j) % size(TD);
int val_idx = D(i,j) / size(TD);
int thr_idx = TD(thrid);
printf("\\node[box,fill=%s] at (%d,%d) {\\shortstack{T%d \\\\ V%d}};\n",
color_map[thr_idx % 8],
i + size<0>(S) + 3, j,
thr_idx, val_idx);
// S Labels
for (int i = 0, j = -1; i < size<0>(S); ++i) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", i, j, i);
for (int j = 0, i = -1; j < size<1>(S); ++j) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", i, j, j);
// D Labels
for (int i = 0, j = -1; i < size<0>(S); ++i) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", i + size<0>(S) + 3, j, i);
for (int j = 0, i = -1; j < size<1>(D); ++j) {
printf("\\node at (%d,%d) {\\Large{\\texttt{%d}}};\n", i + size<0>(S) + 3, j, j);
template <class MMA_Atom_Arch,
class AtomLayoutMNK,
class ValLayoutMNK,
class PermutationsMNK>
void print_mma_content(
const char* name,
cute::TiledMMA<MMA_Atom_Arch, AtomLayoutMNK, ValLayoutMNK, PermutationsMNK> const& mma) {
auto layout_and_thrid_C = mma.get_layoutC_MN();
auto layoutC_MN = cute::get<0>(layout_and_thrid_C);
auto thrID_C = cute::get<1>(layout_and_thrid_C);
auto layout_and_thrid_A = mma.get_layoutA_MK();
auto layoutA_MK = cute::get<0>(layout_and_thrid_A);
auto thrID_A = cute::get<1>(layout_and_thrid_A);
auto layout_and_thrid_B = mma.get_layoutB_NK();
auto layoutB_NK = cute::get<0>(layout_and_thrid_B);
auto thrID_B = cute::get<1>(layout_and_thrid_B);
layoutC_MN, thrID_C,
layoutA_MK, thrID_A,
layoutB_NK, thrID_B);
template <class TiledCopy>
void print_copy_content(const char* name, TiledCopy& copy) {
auto [layoutS_MN, thrID_S] = copy.get_layoutS_MN();
auto [layoutD_MN, thrID_D] = copy.get_layoutD_MN();
print_copy(name, copy,
layoutS_MN, thrID_S,
layoutD_MN, thrID_D);
void print_layouts_for_mma() {
using namespace cute;
using _X = cute::Underscore;
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_4,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_2, _1>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_1,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_2, _1>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_2,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_2, _1>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_4,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_1, _1>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_1,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_1, _1>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM80_16x8x16_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM75_16x8x8_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_1,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_1, _1>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM75_16x8x8_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM75_16x8x8_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_1,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_2, _1>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM75_16x8x8_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
auto tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(SM75_16x8x8_F32F16F16F32_TN{},
Layout<Shape<_4,_1, _1>>{}, // AtomLayoutMNK
Layout<Shape<_1,_2, _2>>{} // ValLayoutMNK
print_mma_content("flash2: SM75_16x8x8_F32F16F16F32_TN", tiled_mma);
int main() {
return 0;
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