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Created November 10, 2010 02:23
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#! /bin/sh
#| Hey Emacs, this is -*-scheme-*- code!
exec racket -l errortrace --require "$0" --main -- ${1+"$@"}
#lang racket
(require racket/pretty)
(define (shuffle-list l)
#:key (lambda (_) (random))
#:cache-keys? #t))
(define (list->histogram l)
(for/fold ([rv (make-immutable-hash '())])
([elt (in-list l)])
(hash-update rv elt add1 0))
(define urn->list values)
(define (make-urn reds blacks)
(append (build-list reds (lambda (_) 'red))
(build-list blacks (lambda (_) 'black))))
(define (draw-from-urn number-of-balls u)
(take (shuffle-list (urn->list u)) number-of-balls))
(define (red? thing)
(eq? thing 'red))
(define (summarize-experiment list-of-balls)
(lambda ()
(for/fold ([red 0]
[black 0])
([ball list-of-balls])
(if (red? ball)
(values (add1 red)
(values red
(add1 black)))))
(lambda (reds blacks)
`((reds . ,reds)
(blacks . ,blacks))
(define *70-red* (make-urn 70 30))
(define (main . args)
(let loop ([experiments-to-run 10000]
[summaries '()])
(if (positive? experiments-to-run)
(loop (sub1 experiments-to-run)
(cons (summarize-experiment (draw-from-urn 12 *70-red*))
(sort (list->histogram summaries) < #:key cdr)))))
(provide main)
When I run the above, I see output that includes lines like these:
(((reds . 4) (blacks . 8)) . 40)
(((reds . 8) (blacks . 4)) . 2456)
That says to me that pulling 8 of the majority and 4 of the minority
is 2456/40 (about 60) times more likely than the reverse.
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