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Basic sorting and searching algorithms

Learn Sorting Algos

Learn Searching Algos

Sorting Algos

  • Definitions:
    • Online: It works even if you add an e to the end of the list midway through the algo
    • Stable: Equal elements are sorted in the same order they appear
  • Compare e1 with e2, and swap if e1 > e2
  • After that, the rightmost e will be at its correct place
  • Repeat the process n times
  • Stable, InPlace
# Each iteration bubbles the greatest value to the top
def bubbleSort(arr):
  for end_idx in range(len(arr), 1, -1):
    idx = 1
    while idx < end_idx:
      if arr[idx] < arr[idx-1]:
        temp = arr[idx]
        arr[idx] = arr[idx-1]
        arr[idx-1] = temp
      idx += 1
  return arr
  • Swap leftmost e with min e of the rest of the list
  • After that, the leftmost e will be at its correct place
  • Repeat the process n times
  • InPlace
# Swap smallest value with current index at each iteration
def selectionSort(arr):
  def getMinIdx(start):
    idx = 0
    _min = float('inf')
    for i, n in enumerate(arr[start:]):
      if n < _min:
        _min = n
        idx = i
    return (idx + start, _min)
  for i in range(len(arr)-1):
    min_idx, _min = getMinIdx(i+1)
    if arr[i] > _min:
      arr[min_idx] = arr[i]
      arr[i] = _min
  return arr
  • Maintain a running index of list
  • For each e at the index, place it in its correct position wrt the left side of the list
  • Increment the index and repeat process
  • Online, Stable, InPlace
  • Good for use cases that have almost sorted and dynamic lists
# Insert value at its correct position on the left side of the array
# This is the only one that is stable!
def insertionSort(arr):
  def insert(end_idx, val):
    for i in range(0, end_idx):
      if val < arr[i]:
        arr.insert(i, val)
    arr.insert(end_idx, val)
  for i in range(1, len(arr)):
    val = arr.pop(i)
    insert(i, val)
  return arr

Merge Sort O(nlogn)

  • Split list into two
  • Sort both halves
  • Merge the sorted halves (External Sort style)
  • Stable
  • Takes up O(n) Aux Space unless dealing with a linked list
  • Same concept as External Sort
# Split array into half and sort each half recursively before merging the sorted halves together
def mergeSort(arr):
  if len(arr) <= 1:
    return arr
  mid = len(arr)//2
  left = mergeSort(arr[:mid])
  right = mergeSort(arr[mid:])

  result = []
  left_idx = right_idx = 0
  while left_idx < len(left) and right_idx < len(right):
    if left[left_idx] > right[right_idx]:
      right_idx += 1
    elif right[right_idx] > left[left_idx]:
      left_idx += 1
      left_idx += 1
      right_idx += 1

  if left_idx < len(left):
  if right_idx < len(right):

  return result

Quick Sort O(n^2)

  • Choose a pivot, put smaller elements on left, large elements on right
  • Either recursively sort both sides or repeat for resulting list excluding the previous pivot
  • InPlace
  • Perferred over Merge Sort when dealing with large arrays because it is InPlace, and also if the array is partially sorted and pivot is chosen well
# Pivot! Choose a pivot (last element is simplest) and swap elements such that 
# the smaller ones are on the left and larger ones are on the right of the pivot, 
# and then call quickSort on the left and right sublists.
def quickSort(arr):
  # Assumes only 1 CPU core (ignores concurrency issues)
    def _quickSort(left_limit, right_limit):
      if left_limit >= right_limit:
      pivot = arr[right_limit]
      left_idx = 0
      right_idx = right_limit-1

      while True:
        while arr[left_idx] < pivot:
          left_idx += 1
        while arr[right_idx] >= pivot:
          right_idx -= 1
          if left_idx > right_idx:
        if left_idx > right_idx:
          arr[right_limit] = arr[left_idx]
          arr[left_idx] = pivot
          _quickSort(0, left_idx-1)
          _quickSort(left_idx+1, right_limit)
          temp = arr[left_idx]
          arr[left_idx] = arr[right_idx]
          arr[right_idx] = temp

    _quickSort(0, len(arr)-1)
    return arr

Heap Sort O(nlogn)

  • Heapify the list (max heap, binary tree structure, O(logn), can be represented by the list itself)
  • Swap the top e (max) with the bottom e
  • Consider the sublist (without the max value) and repeat
# Heapify an array, extract the largest/smallest element, and then repeat.
def heapSort(arr):
  import heapq

  result = []
  while len(arr) > 1:
  return result

Testing Sorting Algos

arr = [12, 45, 78, 34, 56, 0, -56, -98, -98, 45]
assert bubbleSort(arr) == [-98, -98, -56, 0, 12, 34, 45, 45, 56, 78]
assert selectionSort(arr) == [-98, -98, -56, 0, 12, 34, 45, 45, 56, 78]
assert insertionSort(arr) == [-98, -98, -56, 0, 12, 34, 45, 45, 56, 78]
assert mergeSort(arr) == [-98, -98, -56, 0, 12, 34, 45, 45, 56, 78]
assert quickSort(arr) == [-98, -98, -56, 0, 12, 34, 45, 45, 56, 78]
assert heapSort(arr) == [-98, -98, -56, 0, 12, 34, 45, 45, 56, 78]
print("All sorting algos passed!")

Searching Algos

Sorting before searching is only less expensive if you want to search through a list many times. The amortized cost of sorting + searching can be less than just performing linear search each time.

  • V: Vertice/Vertices
  • E: Edge/Edges

Helper method

def create_adjacency_list(edges):
  adj_list = {}
  for edge in edges:
    node1 = edge[0]
    node2 = edge[1]
    if node1 in adj_list:
      adj_list[node1] = {node2}
    if node2 in adj_list:
      adj_list[node2] = {node1}
  # print(f"adj_list: {adj_list}")
  return adj_list

Especially useful to find shortest path on unweighted graphs

  • Intuition is exploring all the V on a layer before going on to the next layer
  • Implement using a Queue and also keeps track of visited Vs. Each of the current V's neighbours are added to the Queue before moving on to the next V in the Queue until the Queue is empty
def BFS(edges, node_to_find):
  if len(edges) == 0: return False

  adj_list = create_adjacency_list(edges)
  checked = {node:False for node in adj_list}

  if edges[0][0] == node_to_find: return True
  queue = [edges[0][0]]
  checked[edges[0][0]] = True

  while len(queue) > 0:
    # remove node from queue of current_neighbours
    node = queue.pop(0)
    for neighbour in adj_list[node]:
      # add neighbour to queue of current_neighbours
      if not checked[neighbour]:
        # check the neighbour!
        if neighbour == node_to_find: return True
        checked[neighbour] = True
  return False
  • Intuition is traversing a V until you hit a dead end and then backtrack
  • Recursive implementation keeps track of a list of visited Vs, and calls the function on each neighbouring V that has not been visited
  • Iterative implementation uses a Stack and also keeps track of visited Vs. While the stack is not empty, we pop a V from the stack, visit it, and then add all Vs unvisited neighbors to the stack

Both implementations have the same time complexity

def DFS(edges, node_to_find):
  if len(edges) == 0: return False

  adj_list = create_adjacency_list(edges)
  checked = {node:False for node in adj_list}
  stack = [edges[0][0]]

  while len(stack) > 0:
    node = stack.pop(-1)
    if node == node_to_find: return True
    checked[node] = True
    for neighbour in adj_list[node]:
      if not checked[neighbour]:

  return False

Testing Search Algos

edges = [[1,4], [1,10], [2,4], [2,9], [3,5], [3,6], [4,10], [6,8], [6,9], [7,8]]

assert BFS(edges, 0) == False
assert BFS(edges, 1) == True
assert BFS(edges, 2) == True
assert BFS(edges, 3) == True
assert BFS(edges, 4) == True
assert BFS(edges, 5) == True
assert BFS(edges, 6) == True
assert BFS(edges, 7) == True
assert BFS(edges, 8) == True
assert BFS(edges, 9) == True
assert BFS(edges, 10) == True
assert BFS(edges, 11) == False

assert DFS(edges, 0) == False
assert DFS(edges, 1) == True
assert DFS(edges, 2) == True
assert DFS(edges, 3) == True
assert DFS(edges, 4) == True
assert DFS(edges, 5) == True
assert DFS(edges, 6) == True
assert DFS(edges, 7) == True
assert DFS(edges, 8) == True
assert DFS(edges, 9) == True
assert DFS(edges, 10) == True
assert DFS(edges, 11) == False
print("All searching algos passed!")
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