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Last active July 16, 2023 10:39
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racket semantic tokens
#lang racket
(require syntax/modread
(define collector%
(class (annotations-mixin object%)
(init-field *src)
(define styles '())
(define/override (syncheck:find-source-object stx)
(define/override (syncheck:color-range src start end style)
(when (< start end)
(set! styles (cons (list start end style) styles))))
(define/override (syncheck:add-definition-target src start finish id mods)
(when (< start finish)
(set! styles (cons (list start finish 'definition) styles))))
(define/public (get-color)
(set->list (list->set styles)))))
(define-syntax-rule (with x expr ...)
(let* ([x expr] ...)
(define (run path)
(define src path)
(define code (file->string path))
(define in (open-input-file path))
(port-count-lines! in)
(define-values (src-dir _1 _2) (split-path src))
(define base-ns (make-base-namespace))
(define-values (add-syntax done)
(make-traversal base-ns #f))
(define semantic-infos '())
(define collector (new collector% [*src src]))
(parameterize ([current-load-relative-directory src-dir]
[current-namespace base-ns]
[current-annotations collector])
(define stx (with-module-reading-parameterization
(lambda () (read-syntax src in))))
(set! semantic-infos (append (walk-stx stx) semantic-infos))
(define expanded (expand stx))
(set! semantic-infos (append (walk-stx-expand src expanded) semantic-infos))
(add-syntax expanded)
(set! semantic-infos (append (send collector get-color) semantic-infos))
(with si
(sort semantic-infos < #:key first)
(group-by first si)
(map (λ (g) (list (substring code
(first (first g))
(second (first g)))
(map third g)))
(define (walk-stx stx)
(syntax-parse stx
#:datum-literals (#%module-begin)
[() (list)]
[(any1 any* ...)
(append (walk-stx #'any1)
(walk-stx #'(any* ...)))]
[#(any1 any* ...)
(append (walk-stx #'any1)
(walk-stx #'(any* ...)))]
[atom (add-stx #'atom)]))
(define (walk-stx-expand src stx)
(syntax-parse stx
#:datum-literals (lambda define-values)
[(lambda (args ...) expr ...)
(append (add-stx-lst-checked src #'(args ...) 'parameter)
(walk-stx-expand src #'(expr ...)))]
[(define-values (fs) (lambda _ ...))
(append (add-stx-lst-checked src #'(fs) 'function)
(walk-stx-expand src (drop (syntax-e stx) 2)))]
[(any1 any* ...)
(append (walk-stx-expand src #'any1)
(walk-stx-expand src #'(any* ...)))]
[_ (list)]))
(define (add-stx-lst-checked src stx-lst type)
(with lst
(syntax-e stx-lst)
(filter (λ (s) (equal? src (syntax-source s))) lst)
(filter (λ (s) (syntax-original? s)) lst)
(map (λ (s) (add-stx-type s type)) lst)
(apply append lst)))
(define (add-stx-type stx type)
(define pos+1 (syntax-position stx))
(define len (syntax-span stx))
(if (or (not pos+1) (not len) (= len 0))
(let ([pos (sub1 pos+1)])
(list (list pos (+ pos len)
(if (eq? type 'infer)
(typeof (syntax-e stx))
(define (add-stx-checked stx type)
(if (syntax-original? stx)
(add-stx-type stx type)
(define (add-stx stx)
(add-stx-checked stx 'infer))
(define (typeof datum)
(match datum
[(? boolean?) 'boolean]
[(? number?) 'number]
[(? symbol?) 'symbol]
[(? keyword?) 'keyword]
[(? string?) 'string]
[(? bytes?) 'string]
[(? regexp?) 'regexp]
[_ 'UNKNOWN]))
(define filename (command-line #:args (filename) filename))
(define src (path->complete-path (string->path filename)))
(time (let ()
(define infos (run src))
(for ([info infos])
(displayln (format "~a\t\t~a" (first info) (second info))))))
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