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Created January 10, 2024 01:02
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quick script to customize the splunk hostname config for windows hosts
Set-PSDebug -Off
# splunk service details
$splunkService = "SplunkForwarder"
# path to splunk configs
$splunk_serverconf = 'C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\local\server.conf'
$splunk_inputsconf = 'C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\local\inputs.conf'
# get current computername
$computerName = $env:computername
Write-Host "computer name: $computerName"
# get aws instance id
$instanceId = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri
$instanceId2 = $instanceId.ToString().Substring(2)
Write-Host "instance id: $instanceId2"
# get current splunk hostname from config file
$current_splunkHostname = Get-Content $splunk_serverconf | Select-String "serverName"
$current_splunkHostname = $current_splunkHostname.ToString().split("=")[1]
Write-Host "current splunk hostname: $current_splunkHostname"
# generate a new hostname (join current hostname with instance id)
$new_splunkHostname = $computerName+"-"+$instanceId.ToString().Substring(2)
Write-Host "generated splunk hostname: $new_splunkHostname"
# if the generated current hostname and the generated hostname match
# there is nothing to do, so exit
if ($current_splunkHostname -match $new_splunkHostname)
Write-Host "current hostname matches generated host name, nothing to do!"
else {
Write-Host "current hostname does not match generated hostname!"
# stop splunk service
Write-Host "stopping splunk service"
Stop-Service $splunkService
# wait for splunk service to stop
$targetStatus = "Stopped"
$svc_retries = 20
$count = (Get-Service $splunkService | ? {$_.status -eq $targetStatus}).count
sleep -Milliseconds 600
} until ($count -eq 0 -or $svc_retries -eq 0)
# backup existing server.conf
$timeStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyymmdd-hhmmss"
if((Test-Path $splunk_serverconf) )
Write-Host "taking a backup of $splunk_serverconf"
Copy-Item $splunk_serverconf -Destination $splunk_serverconf"."$timestamp
# backup existing inputs.conf
if((Test-Path $splunk_inputsconf) )
Write-Host "taking a backup of $splunk_inputsconf"
Copy-Item $splunk_inputsconf -Destination $splunk_inputsconf"."$timestamp
# clear config
Write-Host "executing 'splunk clone-prep-clear-config'"
& 'C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\bin\splunk' clone-prep-clear-config
# add our new hostname into
Write-Host "add generated hostname to $splunk_serverconf"
(Get-Content $splunk_serverconf) |
Foreach-Object {
$_ # send the current line to output
if($_ -match ('^' + [regex]::Escape('[general]')))
#Add Lines after the selected pattern
"serverName = $new_splunkHostname"
} | Set-Content $splunk_serverconf
# pull the updated hostname from server.conf (verify)
$updated_splunkHostname2 = Get-Content $splunk_serverconf | Select-String "serverName"
$updated_splunkHostname2 = $updated_splunkHostname2.ToString().split("=")[1]
Write-Host "validate updated splunk hostname: $updated_splunkHostname2"
# start splunk service
Write-Host "starting splunk service"
Start-Service $splunkService
# wait for splunk service to start
$targetStatus = "Running"
$svc_retries = 20
$count = (Get-Service $splunkService | ? {$_.status -eq $targetStatus}).count
sleep -Milliseconds 600
} until ($count -eq 0 -or $svc_retries -eq 0)
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