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Created June 9, 2015 13:02
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#include "Game.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Peasant.h"
#include "Footman.h"
#include "Archer.h"
#include "Griffon.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
delete this->m_player;
delete this->m_enemy;
delete this->m_shop;
delete this->m_battlefield;
Player* Game::getCurrentEnemy() const
return this->m_enemy;
Player* Game::getCurrentPlayer() const
return this->m_player;
Shop* Game::getShop() const
return this->m_shop;
void Game::mainMenu()
string userInput;
cout << "You are in the MAIN MENU." << endl;
cout << "Make your choice:" << endl
<< "start -> start new game" << endl
<< "shop -> go to the shop" << endl
<< "exit -> exit the game" << endl;
while (cin)
getline(cin, userInput);
if (userInput == "start")
else if (userInput == "shop")
else if (userInput == "exit")
cout << "Bye Bye" << endl;
cout << "Invalid command!" << endl;
cout << "Please make your choice!" << endl;
void Game::gameMenu()
cout << "GAME MENU" << endl;
cout << "Make your choice:" << endl
<< "move x y m n (x, y: <source coords>; m, n: <destination coords>)" << endl
<< "attack x y m n (x, y: <source coords>; m, n: <destination coords>" << endl
<< "exit -> go to the MAIN MENU" << endl;
string userInput;
vector<string> input;
while (true)
getline(cin, userInput);
input = this->splitUserInput(userInput);
if ( == "move")
else if ( == "attack")
int source_x = atoi(;
int source_y = atoi(;
int dest_x = atoi(;
int dest_y = atoi(;
if (source_x < 0 || source_x >= MATRIX_X || source_y < 0 || source_y >= MATRIX_Y ||
dest_x < 0 || dest_x >= MATRIX_X || dest_y < 0 || dest_y >= MATRIX_Y)
cout << "Invalid coords!" << endl;
//map от char и int.
//и за destinantion-a така
else if (this->m_battlefield->getBattlefield(source_x, source_y) == PPeasantChar)
cout << "Attack Peasant!" << endl;
MakeAttackLogic(m_player, 0);
else if (this->m_battlefield->getBattlefield(source_x, source_y) == PFootmanChar)
cout << "Attack Footman!" << endl;
MakeAttackLogic(m_player, 1);
else if (this->m_battlefield->getBattlefield(source_x, source_y) == PArcherChar)
cout << "Attack Archer!" << endl;
MakeAttackLogic(m_player, 2);
else if (this->m_battlefield->getBattlefield(source_x, source_y) == PGriffonChar)
cout << "Attack Griffon!" << endl;
MakeAttackLogic(m_player, 3);
cout << "Attack forbidden!" << endl;
else if ( == "exit")
cout << "Invalid command!" << endl;
cout << "Please make your choice." << endl;
void Game::shopMenu()
cout << "SHOP MENU" << endl;
cout << "Make your choice:" << endl
<< "items -> items available in the shop" << endl
<< "buy <item_name> <amount> -> buy new item(s)" << endl
<< "gold -> the amount of gold you possess" << endl
<< "exit -> go to the MAIN MENU" << endl;
string userInput;
vector<string> input;
while (true)
getline(cin, userInput);
input = this->splitUserInput(userInput);
if ( == "items")
else if ( == "buy")
string userInput =;
int numberOfCreaturesWanted = atoi(;
this->MakeBuyLogic(userInput, numberOfCreaturesWanted);
else if ( == "gold")
cout << this->getCurrentPlayer()->getCurrentGold() << endl;
else if ( == "exit")
cout << "Invalid command!" << endl;
cout << "Please make your choice." << endl;
vector<string> Game::splitUserInput(const string& s)
stringstream ss(s);
istream_iterator<string> it(ss);
istream_iterator<string> end;
vector<string> tokens(it, end);
return tokens;
void Game::Run()
void Game::MakeBuyLogic(string userInput, int numberOfCreaturesWanted)
int creatureValue = (this->getShop()->getItems())[userInput];
int cost = creatureValue * numberOfCreaturesWanted;
if (cost > this->getCurrentPlayer()->getCurrentGold())
cout << "Not enough gold!" << endl;
cout << "Bought " << userInput << " for " << cost<< endl;
void Game::PrintItems()
cout << "Peasant: " << this->getShop()->getItems()["Peasant"] << " gold" << endl
<< "Footman: " << this->getShop()->getItems()["Footman"] << " gold" << endl
<< "Archer: " << this->getShop()->getItems()["Archer"] << " gold" << endl
<< "Griffon: " << this->getShop()->getItems()["Griffon"] << " gold" << endl;
void Game::MakeMoveLogic(vector<string> input)
int source_x = atoi(;
int source_y = atoi(;
int dest_x = atoi(;
int dest_y = atoi(;
map<const char, Creature*> creatures;
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(PPeasantChar, new Peasant()));
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(PFootmanChar, new Footman()));
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(PArcherChar, new Archer()));
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(PGriffonChar, new Griffon()));
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(EPeasantChar, new Peasant()));
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(EFootmanChar, new Footman()));
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(EArcherChar, new Archer()));
creatures.insert(std::make_pair(EGriffonChar, new Griffon()));
if (source_x < 0 || source_x >= MATRIX_X || source_y < 0 || source_y >= MATRIX_Y ||
dest_x < 0 || dest_x >= MATRIX_X || dest_y < 0 || dest_y >= MATRIX_Y)
cout << "Invalid coords!" << endl;
if (this->m_battlefield->getBattlefield(dest_x, dest_y) == BATTLEFIELD_SPACE)
char creatureChar = this->m_battlefield->getBattlefield(source_x, source_y);
Creature* creature = creatures[creatureChar];
int m = creature->Move(source_x, source_y, dest_x, dest_y)[0];
int n = creature->Move(source_x, source_y, dest_x, dest_y)[1];
this->m_battlefield->setCreatureCoords(m, n, creatureChar);
cout << "Move forbidden!" << endl;
void Game::MakeAttackLogic(Player* attackingPlayer, short typeCreatureAttacking, Player* attackedPlayer, short typeCreatureAttacked)
// Сумарно атака на съществата
int summ_attack = 0;
vector<Creature*> attackingCreatures = (attackingPlayer->getCreaturesPossesed())[typeCreatureAttacking];
vector<Creature*> attackedCreatures = (attackedPlayer->getCreaturesPossesed())[typeCreatureAttacked];
for (size_t i = 0; i < attackingCreatures.size(); i++)
//Всяко от съществата във вектора атакува.
//Различните могат да притежават различна мана -> различна атака.
summ_attack += attackingCreatures[i]->Attack();
// колко ще бъдат убити.
int killed = summ_attack / attackingCreatures[0]->getDefense();
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