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Created October 16, 2023 14:08
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C++ include guard VS Code snippet: replace special characters with _, make upper case
"New C++ header": {
"prefix": "newh",
"body": [
// VS Code snippets do not support recursive replacements so we must be
// creative: replace segments like `foo/`, `bar.` and `h<eos>` to `FOO_`,
// `BAR_` and `H_` such that `foo/bar.h` becomes `FOO_BAR_H_`.
"#ifndef PROJECT_${RELATIVE_FILEPATH/(\\w+)(?:\\.|\\/|$)/${1:/upcase}_/g}",
"#define PROJECT_${RELATIVE_FILEPATH/(\\w+)(?:\\.|\\/|$)/${1:/upcase}_/g}",
"namespace project {",
"} // namespace project",
"#endif // PROJECT_${RELATIVE_FILEPATH/(\\w+)(?:\\.|\\/|$)/${1:/upcase}_/g}"
"isFileTemplate": true,
"scope": "cpp",
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