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Created February 7, 2020 23:08
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Trying to implement algebraic effects in Go.
// Inspired by
// Goroutines can be implemented using effects, and, as it turns
// out, effects can be implemented using Goroutines.
// It does require an explicit `context.Context` argument, though.
// Note: The following code is a quick and dirty experiment. It
// is not efficient, and probably leaks memory.
package main
import (
type Continuation func(x interface{})
type Handler func(k Continuation, args ...interface{})
type eff struct {
ch chan interface{}
handler Handler
func Perform(ctx context.Context, effectType interface{}, values ...interface{}) interface{} {
effectObj := ctx.Value(effectType).(eff)
go func() {
effectObj.handler(func(x interface{}) { <- x
}, values...)
return <
func WithHandler(ctx context.Context, effectType interface{}, handler Handler) context.Context {
ch := make(chan interface{})
return context.WithValue(ctx, effectType, eff{ch, handler})
type get struct {}
type put struct {}
var (
getEffect = &get{}
putEffect = &put{}
func GetState(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return Perform(ctx, getEffect)
func PutState(ctx context.Context, x interface{}) {
Perform(ctx, putEffect, x)
func WithState(ctx context.Context, state interface{}) context.Context {
ctx = WithHandler(ctx, getEffect, func(k Continuation, _ ...interface{}) {
ctx = WithHandler(ctx, putEffect, func(k Continuation, args ...interface{}) {
state = args[0]
return ctx
func main() {
ctx := WithState(context.Background(), 5)
fmt.Println("State:", GetState(ctx))
PutState(ctx, 10)
fmt.Println("State:", GetState(ctx))
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