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Created August 26, 2017 20:51
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PowerShell module used to easily get the status of an Ngrok user.
Gets the status of an Ngrok user.
Get-NgrokStatus -Credential (Get-Credential)
function Get-NgrokStatus([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCredential] $Credential) {
# Find CSRF Token
$Req = Invoke-WebRequest '' -UseBasicParsing -SessionVariable Session
if (-not $? -or $Req.Content -notmatch '<.+csrf.+value=\"(.+)\"') {
$Csrf = $Matches[1]
# Post log-in request, and get dashboard
$Req = Invoke-WebRequest '' -UseBasicParsing -WebSession $Session `
-Body @{ 'email' = $Credential.UserName ; 'password' = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ; 'csrf_token' = $Csrf } `
-Headers @{ 'Referer' = '' } `
-ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' `
-Method POST
if (-not $? -or $Req.Content -notmatch '<div id="preloaded" data-value="(.+?)"></div>') {
$Data = ConvertFrom-Json ($Matches[1] -replace '&#34;', '"')
# Beautify the output
return @{
Data = $Data ;
User = $Data.account_name ;
Tunnels = ($Data.online_tunnels | % { @{ Protocol = $_.proto ; Url = [Uri]$_.url ; Region = $_.region ; RemoteAddress = [IPAddress]$_.remote_addr ; CreatedAt = [DateTime]$_.created_at ; ExpiresAt = [Nullable[DateTime]]$_.expires_at } })
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