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Last active April 8, 2021 00:42
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How to install Tagaini Jisho on an Apple Silicon/arm64/"M1" Mac (macOS ≥ 11.0)

Step 1: clone repo

% git clone

Step 2: install dependencies (get homebrew if you don't have it, see more info at

% brew install cmake
% brew install qt@5
  • add qt 5 to path:
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/qt@5/bin:$PATH"
  • you may also add the above line to .zshrc to make it permanent, if you desire to build qt 5 applications in the future

Step 3: edit the line in CMakeLists.txt (in your git-cloned folder)

  • here you are setting the OSX target to at least 11.0, adjust as necessary depending on your requirements

follow steps outlined in the git repo file
make and build

% mkdir build && cd build




% make

Install (application bundle will be installed to $HOME/Applications):

% make install

Step 4: create a self-signed certificate in the Keychain Access app. Give the profile code-signing permissions (get info -> trust -> set "Code signing" to "always trust"

Step 5: go to your application directory

% cd $HOME/Applications

Step 6: codesign it!

% sudo codesign --force --deep -s <certName> Tagaini\

(certName is the name of the certificate you created in step 4)

Step 7: run it! Enjoy your journey of Japanese learning!

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